Saturday, February 8, 2025

What Genshin Characters Would People Think I'm Similar To? Tier List

Disclaimer: As an autistic person who's nearly a hikikomori, I have very little positive experience interacting with other people outside of my close friend group. I am not a psychologist and I wrote this while somewhat sad and angry. Therefore, some of my theories may be wildly incorrect.

Based on Version 5.3 after the Version 5.4 Special Program showcasing Yumemizuki Mizuki.
A quick tier list I made while in public transport. The higher the tier, the more likely people are to associate me with the character.
Autistic people are known for their extremely strong special interests but...subpar social skills. While many neurotypical people intuitively understand how to navigate social situations starting in childhood, this can be tough even for autistic adults like me. Instead of "going along with the vibe" which many of us are unable to feel, we thus can be notorious for "logicking" psychology and social dynamics; in my case as a passionate gamer, I assign archetypes based on video game characters or traits.

While I heavily associate myself with my favorite characters like Xingqiu, Tartaglia, and Bennett, I also predicted (but not proven because from my experience, Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail fans only exist either online or in official HoYoverse conventions; every Filipino and their mother is a Call of Duty: MobileMobile Legends, or VALORANT player while every Japanese kid plays Apex Legends, Fortnite, Mario Kart, or Splatoon) that most hardcore neurotypical Genshin Impact players would raise eyebrows if they heard me say this. My behavior around strangers is extremely different from how I act around close friends. For example, I keep quiet because if I exhibited Tartaglia's thirst for battle in public, I'd get in trouble for inciting violence or something—I admittedly only recently noticed that most fighters rarely reveal their combat talents even in casual conversations with friends outside of places like martial arts gyms. I prefer solitary and sedentary hobbies like gaming and rarely yap about travel so people are unlikely to associate me with Bennett...even though I actually enjoyed traveling to several places like beaches, caves, mountains, and other cities.


These theories are based on my image of an average neurotypical ExxP teen or young adult American or Filipino and average out the opinions of both genders. They only know me from a surface level after both limited first-hand interaction and third-party observation at school, work, or a similar collaborative setting. This person is at least Adventure Rank 56 and has completed all the Archon Quests.
Unless otherwise specified, meta strength is not considered.

C and D Tiers

These characters are simply so different from my surface-level behavior that one would have to observe closely or become friends with me for real to see the actual similarities.
The C tier covers characters I have a very small but sometimes obvious similarity with while the D tier contains characters that people would think I have no similarity to at all or be unsure of.

Different Skills From Me

This category applies to: Baizhu, Emilie, Sigewinne, Xiangling, Xinyan, and Yumemizuki Mizuki.

Obviously, I am not a doctor, musician, perfumer, or psychologist.
And less obviously, I suck at cooking. I am still terrified of deep-frying anything and my Dexterity drops to a horribly low score when attempting it.

People Have Forgotten These Characters

This category applies to: Aloy, Baizhu, Barbara, Chasca, Chongyun, Collei, Emilie, Jean, Kachina, Mika, Sucrose, Xilonen, Xingqiu, and Xinyan.

To put it can't really compare someone to someone else you don't know except by name.

It's a darn shame that Sucrose and Xingqiu are forgotten because that heart-to-heart talk between Collei and Sucrose was one of the best friendly moments I've seen in the game. I also believe more people should be inspired by Xingqiu's reason for learning martial arts: reading epic novels.

Too Extroverted

This category applies to: Amber, Arataki Itto, Beidou, Bennett, Dori, Gaming, Hu Tao, Kaeya, Kirara, Klee, Lyney, Mavuika, Mualani, Nilou, Noelle, Sethos, Thoma, Venti, Xiangling, Xinyan, Yae Miko, and Yoimiya.

All these characters love some kind of high-energy activity or conversation involving other people and assimilate fairly easily at the very least in most social interactions.

I am...simply unlikely to approach people unless I need to speak to them professionally. Just like how I value my personal space, I also try to respect others'...especially since social reciprocity seems to get thrown out the window when I get involved—with Filipinos, they keep yapping random nonsense to each other, ask me boring surface-level questions or drag me to activities I don't like, or just act like I don't exist while with Japanese people, it's as if I have to yap nonstop about "safe" topics and they're unlikely to ask more about me or talk about themselves outside of boring surface-level questions when I explicitly tell them "it's your turn".

In comparison, I sound quite extroverted as the leader of my friend group. I'm in charge of choosing fun activities, strategic development, and well-being.

B Tier

These characters have one major similarity to me but are otherwise unlikely to be associated with me unless maybe someone was upset with me.


This is the most unique in my opinion because I have not actually exhibited Charlotte-like behavior in public recently but certainly still can.
In elementary school, I had a knack for interviewing other students and learning their interests that way such as a boy who for some reason I still memorize his hobby of watching SpongeBob SquarePants.
I enjoyed working on my college thesis because I gathered opinions on the playstyles of those who plan to play Hytale in the future.

That said, I try to minimize this because of the personal space thing I mentioned in the C and D tiers. My girlfriend Alevius is currently the only person I'm willing to do Charlotte shenanigans to.


The woman whose wealth is "unsurpassed in all of Teyvat" according to her in-game description is the only reason she's in the B tier. Sometimes, when I tell people that I'm a gamer, when they combine it with my preference for and skill in English, they automatically assume I'm rich along with asking me if I have a PlayStation which I think in Filipinos' eyes is a sign that someone has a lot of money to burn—many Filipinos are mobile gamers due to the sheer convenience and versatility of smartphones at many accessible price points.

Practical Nerds

This category applies to: Kuki Shinobu, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Tighnari, Yanfei, and Zhongli.

It takes me a while (and looking like a complete idiot) but once I get used to a job, I get encyclopedic knowledge of it, making me easily able to teach it to either experienced employees or total noobs. Heck, I've even assisted managers!
In trope terms, as an autistic person, I have Magikarp Power: horribly weak in the beginning but extremely strong when well-raised.

The thing is I'm not an enthusiast in biology or law. Most people, however, don't know that I'm the strategist and tactician in my close friend group...and even if I tell them, they don't get curious at all. :beer:

Shy but Kinda Kind-Hearted

This category applies to: Freminet and Ororon.

While I imagine most people would think I'm hostile by default, a few may see the random acts of kindness I do and thus associate me with those two characters. I love how Freminet helped a mother get over the death of her son and how Ororon gave words of encouragement to a little boy who wants to compete in the Pilgrimage of the Sacred Flame.

Stern Bosses

This category applies to: Chevreuse, Clorinde, Keqing, Kujou Sara, Kuki Shinobu, Neuvillette, and Tighnari.

Yes, I actually have held a leadership position at work before. I have...passive-aggressively raged at some subordinates I thought were incompetent, hence why I think they may feel I'm like one of these characters. (Thankfully, they got gud several weeks later.)

A Tier

These characters, in the eyes of my hypothetical average person, fit 60-80% of my core personality. There is still at least one major dissimilarity, however.

Delusional Actors

This category applies to: Fischl and Furina.

Autistic people can be scarily spot-on when mimicking the behavior, movements, and voices of fictional characters. Many also greatly enjoy roleplay—I, for example, sometimes run Dungeons & Dragons games with my close friends.
This roleplay can leak outside of quality time with friends, however. Sometimes, just because I'm bored, I may perform anime-inspired LARPing. Sadly, it's still a boring solo performance.

Don't Annoy Me Or Else!

This category applies to: Citlali, Diona, Eula, Faruzan, Mona, the Raiden Shogun, and Shenhe.

When sufficiently angered, I can be quite fierce in my pushback to demand personal space or make someone do something correctly. It's like I'm exacting vengeance upon them while giving them information overload.
This can happen even if, say, I was majorly triggered by Person 1 an hour ago and then Person 2 mildly annoys me, causing me to blow up at Person 2 because Person 1 is either not around or will destroy me if I fight back. OK, more concrete example: I've raged at Alevius for trying to talk to me while I was angry at family members.

Admittedly, I'm scared to apologize after blowing up at most of these people because I incorrectly assume that "you did something bad to me; therefore, I hate you forever no matter what you do to rectify the situation".

Just Plain Low-Key

This category applies to: Kinich and Lynette.

Unlike the above characters, Freminet, and Ororon, these are more level-headed quiet characters. These comparisons may be triggered when I stay away from groups of people but also avoid yapping about nerdy intelligent as Kinich is.

Lynette is additionally popular among female cosplayers. I have a feeling she's the most relatable Genshin Impact character to them. :beer:

S Tier

These characters are, in the eyes of most people (I think), so similar to me that these characters are the first thoughts in their heads.


Alongside Xiao, this is the first character that came to my mind when I first conceptualized this tier list. Albedo barely feels any emotions and that apathy is quite noticeable when IRL people look at me...and while that is true for certain situations in my case such as family life, I actually do have strong passions, even interpersonal ones. I mean, why else would I raise my Sucrose like crazy (she's my Genshin Impact waifu and one of the characters I associate with Alevius) over Kaedehara Kazuha?


A combination of Ningguang and Xiao, this is me as the rich but solitary gamer.

I still remember Mom told me that girls in high school secretly fell in love with me as well which is akin to fathers presenting their daughters to Diluc for him to choose who to marry...but he turned them all down. As for me, I never realized they were in love and still take what Mom said with a massive grain of salt.
Alevius is the only person who has ever confessed to me for real and I responded with a big fat yes.

Nerdy Jerks

This category applies to: Alhaitham, Chiori, Rosaria, and the Wanderer.

When you combine the Practical Nerds and the Don't Annoy Me Or Else! categories, this is what you get. Do not invade their personal space or they'll give you big-brained condescension, especially the Wanderer...if not kill you outright.

I sometimes practice martial arts in a corner because I'm bored so combined with my intelligence and lack of desire for social interaction, some people see me as a major threat—like I can easily destroy their arguments and their bones.
The truth is I don't like attacking innocent people even if they annoy me. Admittedly, however, it takes me a lot of restraint to avoid directly calling out something I don't like about a person's I write my more controversial opinions in essays that only my close friends, not the person who annoyed me, can see.


Xiao, despite his reputation for defending Liyue from demon attacks, is notoriously averse to social interaction with humans. He likes to perch atop Wangshu Inn alone while only getting down to eat. In the first Lantern Rite in 2021, he initially refused to join in but was eventually convinced by the Traveler.

I similarly am uninclined to participate in many social activities. While it's because of bad karma for Xiao, for me, it's simply being unwilling to go with the vibe. When I play party games, I don't play for fun, for example—I play to win, thus making me look like a killjoy. I do not like smiling in photos because I am not genuinely happy being with the other people in those photos—I showed Alevius a photo of me fake-smiling in a family photo and she understood what I meant.

But when someone becomes my close friend, I do not just genuinely smile and be playful with them. I stand by them to the end. Whenever they need me, I'm available at their beck and call. Just look at Alevius—when she needs an Imaginarium Theater or Spiral Abyss cycle destroyed, I act upon it with glee.

Bonus: Silver Wolf (Honkai: Star Rail)

Silver Wolf, the hacker and hardcore gamer from the Stellaron Hunters, is a unique case. It's easy to put her in S tier...but what makes her stand out from Alhaitham, Chiori, Kinich, etc. is Silver Wolf is also what other Filipino gamers expect me to be like upon finding out that I'm a gamer. Even if I tell them I prefer games like Genshin Impact, Minecraft, Pokémon, etc., they never ask about those games, instead segueing immediately to the mainstream competitive games like Mobile Legends and asking me to play with them. No thank you—I simply cannot git gud in competitive gaming, let alone enjoy it. Believe me, I've tried. I prefer the freedom of single-player gaming and the collective enjoyment of co-op gaming—competitive gaming may only make me rage at my teammates or the opponents or make me feel bad about myself for being a terrible gamer.
I think Japanese gamers also quietly expect me to be like them because they will only ask surface-level questions about Genshin Impact (usually about the genre and whether it's a Japanese game) before changing the topic (not necessarily about another video game).

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Genshin Impact: What's It Like for a Meta Player and a Lore Player to Be Boyfriend and Girlfriend?

We enjoy even the same game in different ways but are nonetheless united.
Xingqiu = me; Collei = Alevius.
And yes, believe it or not, I don't like Chiori's personality. I'm surprised, though, that I got this epic shot in just one take.
You know what I notice in so many YouTube channels themed around HoYo games? They almost always feature one aspect of at least one of these games in their videos. You have lore channels (Ashikai, Minsleif, etc.), meta channels (Jello Impact, Zajef77, etc.), headcanon channels (Koomaxx, animation and comic dub channels), and other things. It's uncommon for one channel to combine two aspects at once in a balanced way...which is why I occasionally enjoy someone like saurusness explaining what they think about both lore and meta.

Introducing Myself in a Genshin Impact Context

What about me, though? I'd say I'm 55% meta, 25% lore, 20% headcanon. Yes, I know being a meta-heavy player is cliché given how male biology works. But when I was first introduced to Genshin Impact by ZeldaMaster (yes, a The Legend of Zelda YouTuber) and my friends BoltOLightnin and YoSquid back in October 2020, one major aspect of the game that got me so hooked is the elemental reaction system: mix various elements on a single enemy to achieve a special effect like adding or multiplying DMG, burning enemies alive, staggering and knocking them away with an explosion, and freezing them. I enjoy games that give me a lot of freedom to mess around with a variety of tactics, hence the Tactician half of my username. These days, I watch one too many meta videos and obsessively read Keqing Mains.
But don't get me wrong—the lore is still cool. I'm no stranger to lore-heavy games thanks to experience with the Fire Emblem series so Genshin Impact, despite the "Breath of the Wild clone" accusations, reminded me a decent amount of Fire Emblem as well. Genshin Impact may not have support conversations but almost every playable character has voicelines about certain other characters, helping me more clearly understand how these characters are perceived by the world around them. I think this lore has contributed to why headcanons are so popular and why I often watched comic dubs even in the 1.x days.

Another reason I enjoy lore and headcanons so much is I possess the Hopeless Romantic trait...which is why combined with my enjoyment of intellectual discussions, I was attracted to Sucrose—you can imagine Alberose (Albedo + Sucrose; yes, I defined it because people have largely forgotten about these two characters in favor of Chiori and Kaedehara Kazuha respectively) is one of my favorite fan-made ships. So I secretly fell in love with Alevius at first...who I will now explain.

Who is Alevius and Why Do I Love Her So Much?

Alevius and I first met in PDB, a social media site dedicated to personality types where users chat with each other in boards dedicated to types such as those in MBTI (the whole INTJ/ESFP stuff), Enneagram (numbers 1-9 with wings and those little subtype letters; e.g. 5w4 sp/sx), etc. She was helping the ENFJ board with how to communicate with INTPs better—we both share the INTP type whose most active cognitive function (basically thinking or perception style) is Introverted Thinking...which is least on the ENFJ's mind. Her main answer was to zero in on the INTP's main interests...and I provided examples because I felt generous. Little did we realize...we started a whole insane discussion about Fire Emblem and Genshin Impact. I immediately was told that Collei is the character Alevius relates the most to given their similar enthusiastic but reserved demeanor and hatred toward Dottore, the child experimenter.
So since I enjoyed the brain connection, I talked to Alevius in other ways such as tagging her when I did a personality self-evaluation. She responded with self-evaluations of her own which I thoroughly had fun with. We made essays, I tell you. I was surprised I got this much attention given that from my experience, the vast majority of young people simply do not have the "time" or brain juice to do this. I fell in love with Alevius secretly at first as a result.
To spare you the nitty-gritty details, we eventually privately discussed many other topics beyond gaming and personality. I was staying updated on Alevius's school and work life. What made her fall in love back with me was when I emotionally supported her while she was going through rough times at work, including cases of sexual harassment. She also held onto that feeling secretly at first...until she couldn't take it anymore and confessed (even though at the time, I explicitly told her I wanted a Filipino girlfriend for better accessibility). She was basically ready to die of cringe...but me returning the favor was something she did not expect at all.
And we lived happily ever after. The End. OK, just kidding. We're just getting started.

When we're not raging at each other's family issues, school, or work, we're discussing something video game-related like planning our Minecraft base and exploration, introducing a game one plays that the other doesn't (e.g. I introduced Pokémon to her), and you guessed it—Genshin Impact. Let's do it.

Share in My Meta Knowledge!

I met Alevius some time during the later 3.x patches—I can't remember when exactly. But she actually started in Version 2.0. At the time, she was mainly getting advice from one of her friends...who built her characters almost entirely with ATK% main stats on her artifacts. Even now with Alevius having significantly better meta knowledge, this friend's Neuvillette, a pure HP scaler, has ATK% all over. It was easy for Alevius's Neuvillette to out-damage her friend's since I farmed optimal Marechaussee Hunter artifacts for her.
While I admit I cringed when I first saw the pure ATK% builds on Alevius's account when I got permission to use it, I think I was polite in my criticisms, focusing on the positives of, say, the traditional ATK%/Elemental DMG/CRIT build instead of the negatives of pure ATK%. Even now, we maintain a private spreadsheet containing all the summarized info needed to grind up our characters, particularly the material requirements and artifact recommendations.

Prior to getting Alevius's account access, though, I helped Alevius every day, doing Daily Commissions and Weekly Bosses with her...using an America account belonging to someone I had a contract with—I asked permission, don't worry. This led her to save enough Primogems for C2 Zhongli...and in Version 4.0, she got C3 out of nowhere!

Aside from Zhongli, one of Alevius's best pulls ever was Arlecchino, a character she also strongly relates to because she loves children (and funny enough, she sometimes thinks of me and my friend group as a group of cute little babies to be taken care of) and has an occasionally firmly protective approach (beware if you have a Citlali-like demeanor). I built Alevius's Arlecchino with the abundance of Gladiator's Finale artifacts she farmed from bosses 'cause we both can't stand artifact Domains...and little did I know the Fourth Harbinger would turn Alevius's account from a wheelchair-stuck grandma to a destructive powerhouse.

To this day, I still happily manage Alevius's account. With Arlecchino, Neuvillette, and Tighnari fully built, it's incredibly comfortable to play compared to last year.

The Kaveh Joke Turned Insane Feat

Alevius normally can't stand some of her professors in college but feels really comfortable around me even though I can be quite strict in teaching and using English. So I jokingly challenged her to write a 1,000-word essay about why she likes Kaveh.
She churned out a...1,500-word essay detailing not just Kaveh's outfit but also his personality, life challenges, and how he overcame them. With citations too! It normally takes Alevius days to complete an essay this long but it only took her 2 hours given how enthusiastic she was about the topic! It even skyrocketed Kaveh from just being in one of her top 10-ish ranks to #1, no question!

And to think Kaveh was this garbage character full of wasted potential. I was so inspired by that essay that I once beat a combat challenge with Kaveh when I had no other choice. While the Kaveh in my own account remains unbuilt as I am hyper-focused on preparing for the Imaginarium Theater with more off-field characters, I still hold Alevius's Kaveh in high regard given how well-built he is with 7/8/7 Talents so far and how he's still in one of her signature teams.

I also try to live up to Alevius's appreciation for Kaveh by honing my own Minecraft building style. I think Alevius still loves the house I built for us earlier this 2024.

Sucrose Supremacy!

As a Sucrose simp who firmly thinks Alevius is Sucrose-like and she agrees, I am very proud that she prefers Sucrose over Kaedehara Kazuha or as we call him, Uggo.
She skipped three Uggo banners before finally pulling him in Version 5.0 out of necessity.
We staunchly believe Sucrose is superior because while Uggo is indeed a strong fighter with a calming personality, Sucrose's intelligence surpasses Uggo's given that she administers the exams in Alchemical Ascension, the potion brewing event, and I imagine she'd be able to pass those exams. The potions pack amazing utility, being able to buff all the D&D ability scores (counting Wisdom as both Intelligence and Wisdom) while containing special properties like healing and a relaxing feeling. Also, call us crazy but we can keep up with Sucrose's sciencey rambling just fine.

When running my Sucrose against my Uggo on Genshin Optimizer, I realized that my Sucrose buffs my Hu Tao more than Uggo does (even when not counting Sucrose's C6 effect) so I advised Alevius to take good care of her Sucrose. It helps that Sucrose buffs Dendro teams better than C0-C1 Uggo given the latter lacks a teamwide Elemental Mastery buff...and Dendro is one of if not Alevius's #1 favorite element.

Warning: Ship Infection Detected.

I once told Alevius that I imagine most Genshin Impact players would compare me to either Albedo or Xiao given that I give average Joes the impression of a smartypants edgelord. Alevius agreed with the Xiao part, saying that I'm always there when she calls, especially if a combat challenge needs the BRUTAL MURDER treatment.
I also find Lumine quite I introduced Alevius to Xiaolumi comics. Now, she's completely melted by the romance and considers this the best HoYo ship hands down. (Yeah, even better than the canon Trailblazer x Firefly in Honkai: Star Rail.)