Wednesday, April 22, 2020

My Hytale Team Balance Based on TV Tropes

DISCLAIMER: This...has nothing to do with any specific Hytale mechanics or lore and can be applied to any multiplayer or co-op RPG or sandbox.
It's just that I'm...way too emotionally attached to this team I've built.

I have a confession: I'm addicted to TV Tropes.
I've pulled many all-nighters doing nothing except reading TV Tropes.
I mostly read gaming stat tropes and love tropes, by the way.

Speaking of gaming stat tropes, I'm a huge fan of competitive balance and character building.
Although I think all Hytale playable characters will be equally strong (with the power differences coming from equipment and player skill), I guess playing games with class systems, like D&D, made me think of characters based on what classes they are similar to. Anyone can switch quickly between, say, fighter and wizard in Hytale with no restrictions, but of course, many players will be better at one than the other.

So, since I couldn't focus on building proper blog post ideas due to firetrucking school work, I made a doc about my Hytale team's balance, complete with TV Tropes trope names.

I also included a bunch of personality-related goodies in the doc since I think knowing each other's personalities helps us adapt to each other's strengths and weaknesses.

By the way, I realized that my team felt unbalanced with just me, BoltOLightnin, and YoSquid since three units have to be alone to execute a balanced split-up attack and I can't do all the tanking for the two ranged units when enemies are smart enough to Shoot the Mage First (or the archer).
So I invited my brother, HeadsHoKer, to join the party, and I think he's okay with it. He's incredibly strong, can heal, and can charge the front lines.

I'm looking for more party members, by the way, to further balance out my army.
In particular, all of us are weak to magic (especially me), so we need a Mage Killer, or at least someone with high Res.
We also lack The Chick: someone who I think would come in handy for "flowery" diplomacy and for resolving internal conflicts.


This is my last week of studying for this trimester, so I'll be busy the whole week.
Enrollment for the next trimester has been postponed indefinitely, so I'm not sure how long my "summer break" will last.
Hopefully I get a boatload of blog post ideas in the coming weeks.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

(Swear-post) How I RAGE Against The Wuhan Coronavirus!

Besides, I'm seeing reports that the coronavirus may have not in fact come from the animal markets in Wuhan; instead, from a Wuhan laboratory that allowed the virus to escape after experimenting with a horseshoe bat.
Still, eating bats is firetrucking gross. Stop eating bats.

According to Mark Manson, "Nothing has all of the ingredients for the emotional breakdown recipe quite like a pandemic-induced global shutdown."
I mean, let's face it, even my life has been somewhat affected (though not massively) by pretty much the world being quarantined or on lockdown. I can't meet girls face-to-face where I can get clearer hints of their true natures (I maintain a friend zone with all girls I meet online but haven't met physically). I can't go to the gym where I have a lot more options for working out like running on a treadmill...and having trainers randomly ask to spar with me. (Exercising outside of home is banned here in the Philippines during the quarantine.) Our family store doesn't sell essential items, so I can't open the store. Most importantly, I can't freaking attend my game development class! (But hey, at least I can still blog! And Hypixel Studios is still working fine!)
But it gets worse for others. I have yet to verify them, but I've seen reports of families starving because they don't have enough food to survive the quarantine. Panic buyers flood the supermarkets every day to the point that customers, including my mom and dad, even have to wait outside the supermarket entrances (but at least social distancing is enforced and obeyed). Heck, a UK teen committed suicide.

All this complete cattle feces because the blasted Chinese government and the WHO covered up this virus despite overwhelming evidence! Heck, flights from Wuhan were still allowed--part of the reason why countries like the United States and Italy are firetrucked up!
What kind of firetrucked-up strategy was the Chinese government thinking in covering up this virus? The only thing my gaming strategy-filled brain can think of is "trying not to induce panic". This is a point where I think feelings don't matter and earlier action from the public could have lessened the chance of an epidemic, let alone a firetrucking pandemic.

Anyway, I was inspired by this Tweet from Paul Joseph Watson:
Now, I admit, I don't actually plan to do exactly what PJW said. The Philippines has good diplomatic relations with China, and I think that may have improved the Filipino citizens' general impression of China. If I loudly boo China, at best, I'd sound disturbing to my neighbors who are mostly peaceful and quiet 24/7, and at worst, I could get an outrage mob that could put my family members' lives at risk.

Instead, I boo China, the WHO, and everyone else who contributed to the spread of the virus (yes, I'm looking at you, Nancy Pelosi and Koko Pimentel) DESTROYING MY PUNCHING BAG!

But this is no ordinary slugfest.
Screw pacing myself when I've practically warmed up just by doing laundry almost every day.

Step 1: Drink lots of water--I recommend 250-500 ml in one sitting. Imagine the water is an alcoholic drink then imagine yourself as the Drunken Master. Extra points if you play a drinking game such as drinking 50 ml every time I say "Hytale" in a Hytale-related post.

Step 2: Play some YouTube videos related to the Wuhan coronavirus. PJW has uploaded 5 videos about this so far with more than 50 minutes combined so you can rage on for a full 12-round boxing match with 3 minutes each and 1-minute breaks in-between.

Step 3: While the videos are playing, start with some basic jabs and crosses to warm up the mind and body. "Get your head in the game", as basketball coaches say. Get used to it slowly so that, later, you'll feel more comfortable using defensive maneuvers and more complex and powerful combos.

Step 4: Pretend to block or dodge attacks, then use more complex and powerful attacks. Imagine yourself slipping away from a punch then striking the face or ear while your enemy (i.e. the Wuhan coronavirus and its "cover-uppers") is wide-open. Follow-up with some elbows, knees, headbutts, chokeholds, you name it.

Step 5: Every time a contributing factor to the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus is mentioned in the video you're listening to, such as bat soup or a government official encouraging mass gatherings, hit your punching bag harder or use a special move. I like to chokehold the punching bag then hammerfist the abdomen at full power.
In Fire Emblem Heroes-speak, use one of the following Special skills: Aether, Astra, Dragon Fang, Glacies, Ignis, or Luna.
Alternatively, if you don't have a punching bag, quickly throw lots of jabs and crosses while imagining yourself doing the "MUDA MUDA MUDA" scene in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

The following steps involve weapons.

Step 6: Once you're tired or bored of using your fists, use a bludgeoning weapon on your punching bag. I recommend a baseball bat or golf club; cleaning tools break too easily when used as weapons. Do not swing a pool cue, by the way; only use it for thrusting.
Alternatively, if you want to use a cleaning tool or bladed weapon like a dagger, do it shadowboxing or shadowfencing style.
I don't have a tool that's accurate to the weight distribution of a spear, but I practice with a plastic shortsword.

Step 7: If you have a gun, a bow and arrows, or a Nerf blaster, set up some targets then shoot them down. Extra points if, again, these targets have the faces of coronavirus cover-uppers.

Step 8: Since magic doesn't exist, take a break from the physical beatdown and exercise your brain. Either learn more about the Wuhan coronavirus by studying academic papers and news reports, or do some random quizzes on Khan Academy.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Fire Emblem Stats of Hytale Mobs + Quarantine Life Part 2

DISCLAIMER: All Hytale-related statements are based on pre-release information and Minecraft. They're not to be taken seriously; they're just for fun.
I have not discussed any of this in detail with any Hytale personality...except for Shadrok.

I've been feeling a little crazier than usual thanks to the I just wanna purge bat soup from existence.
But you're not getting away from my death stare, World Health Organization (WHO). Like, what in the absolute fudge cakes were you thinking when you posted this garbage?

Okay, I admit, as long as this outbreak goes on, I won't stop starting my posts with an expression of rage towards the Wuhan coronavirus. It's because of YOU bat eaters that I can't physically attend my game development classes, I can't hang out with YoSquid, my brother Ivann can't complete his college application, more than a million have been infected in the world, and thousands of people, including doctors, are firetrucking dead!
Edit, July 7, 2020: The bat soup thing is getting less common--I'm seeing an increasing number of theories suggesting the Wuhan coronavirus was unleashed from a lab. Also, Ivann is officially a college student now but his classes haven't started.

Stay calm, LunaticTactician. Remember, you're a level 3 monk.

I know I've mostly slacked off and played video games during this quarantine, but I did a little "actually good" stuff, I think.
I'm doing laundry a lot more often and more regularly. Might be helpful in enhancing my grip strength--gotta squeeze my dad's big clothes real hard.
I'm working on making a new friend out of one of my classmates. I think it's going well, but I'm not 100% sure. Edit, July 7, 2020: I think I considered her a friend starting May 2020.
I think I've settled a dispute with a former friend, but again, not 100% sure.
I'm researching more on the Wuhan coronavirus...mainly because I have 3 out of 4 assignments remaining that are all related to this virus. Sometimes, I pound my punching bag at full power afterwards.
I've also done a few art pieces, one of which is fan art of ThirtyVirus as a Fire Emblem Swordmaster (which I don't wanna show so I don't get in trouble with Nintendo or ThirtyVirus).

Speaking of Fire Emblem...
I've been speculating on the Fire Emblem stats of Hytale mobs, NPCs, and personalities just for fun. (Kinda like when I predicted my D&D stats and The Sims 3 traits.)
I just love how games often provide logical explanations for a character's or creature's abilities.

Check out my Fire Emblem stats of Hytale mobs here.

These stats are based on a variety of Fire Emblem games, including the GBA games, Awakening, Three Houses, and Heroes.

Keep in mind that I didn't take this "project" seriously, so it looks kinda messy and there may be some errors.

Also, if you're a Hytale personality or Hypixel Studios staff member who I included and whose stats I butchered, I'M SORRY :( lol XD