Wednesday, June 5, 2019

My Paranoia of Griefing and Flying Hostile Mobs in Hytale

Disclaimer which might become a meme: This is speculative and based on pre-release information and Minecraft. This is not to be taken seriously; this is just for fun.

In multiple Hytale blog posts, I expressed fear in fighting hostile mobs that can build or break blocks or fly, but I don't think I explained those fears in detail.
So, since I suck at introductions, let's get started.

Note that, in Minecraft, I have no problem at all with creepers, phantoms, ghasts, or endermen.
Creepers explode at close range and take time, allowing me to safely attack them with a melee weapon.
Phantoms are relatively slow, predictable, and only spawn at night if the player hasn't slept in three days. They also attack at melee range.
Ghast fireballs can't break cobblestone and can be deflected. I personally like using a fishing rod to do so; using melee attacks isn't reliable for me. They're also big and frail, making them easy targets for a bow.
Endermen don't always pick up blocks and the blocks they can pick up are limited. Simply diving into a river or ocean is enough to stop an enderman in either 1.8 or 1.9+; in 1.8, an enderman will chase the player relentlessly without thinking about getting hurt by water, while in 1.9+, an enderman will stay close to the water's edge without touching the water, allowing the player to get free hits with a sword or axe.

I'm mainly paranoid of Void Eyes and goblins from Hytale. (See the NPC behavior and monster design blog posts)
Here's a quick recap: Void Eyes are floating creatures that summon allies, while goblins like throwing bombs at whatever they consider a "problem".

Let's start with the Void Eyes.
We don't know if Void Eyes can fight or what kind of attack they have besides summoning, but being a floating summoner gives a huge tactical advantage; summoned creatures can act as cannon fodder to distract the enemy while the summoner stays out of range. If a ranged weapon or flying mount, vehicle, or equipment piece is unavailable, Void Eyes can be extremely difficult to hit with melee attacks.
Since some fantasy stories feature summoning from a long distance in a manner similar to teleportation, I'm curious if summoned creatures can appear inside the player's house even if the Void Eye is outside. Therefore, unless the house interior is spacious, has an emergency escape route, or is rigged with traps or other defensive features, Void Eyes can trap the player inside their own house. Hopefully the summoned creatures aren't thieves.

Let's move on to the bomb-throwing goblins.
Notice how, in this screenshot, goblins are chasing a player outdoors. Maybe goblins don't just live in caves, but can also roam the surface like other monsters. They could also be a hostile faction, but we're not sure yet.
If creepers are bad enough, goblins are much worse. While a creeper can only explode once before it's gone, a goblin has more than one bomb to throw, and it can throw from a distance. Also, given that goblins throw bombs at anything they think is a problem and we don't know exactly what those "problems" are (besides the player's presence), they can randomly grief large areas, making it difficult to traverse the field and repair bases. Approaching a goblin into melee range is very risky, especially if goblins either "cook" their bombs or their bombs immediately explode upon impact.
It would be fine if shields can deflect their bombs (this is a fantasy game, so it can happen), but we don't know if Hypixel Studios will implement a projectile-deflecting feature or how cheap/expensive a shield will be.
Edit: I just remembered from the trailer that goblins can wield a variety of melee weapons like fists, butcher knives, and spiked clubs. The bomb-throwing goblins are unique in that they wear goggles, but from a far distance, they can be mistaken for regular goblins.

What about block builders or breakers in a similar fashion as the player or Herobrine?
There are no official confirmations of this, as far as I know. While I am aware that there are faction camps and villages for Kweebecs, Trorks, Scaraks, Outlanders, and others, I don't know if more of them can be built by faction members after world generation. The closest thing we have to block breakers is the Outlander village corruption, but we don't know who or what causes that.
There are a lot of mid-battle tactics that can be performed by placing or breaking blocks. One can attack from underground, pillar-jump to a high place, build bridges to get across trenches, chasms, or hazards, or make walls to protect ranged attackers or slow down the enemy.
It's even worse if there's an enemy who can speed-build similar to two of the Old Builders, Hadrian and Mevia, from Minecraft: Story Mode. They can trap people in obsidian cages, build staircases to initiate an air attack, and do a combo involving a kick that knocks the target towards slime blocks which bounce it towards TNT.
With all these versatile traits of block manipulation, enemies with this power can bypass most defenses except the most well-built ones, and those take a lot of time and resources to build. Obsidian is a pain in the butt to collect in large amounts without an Efficiency V diamond pickaxe.
Plus, I've played tiny bits of the Minecraft multiplayer game Factions (and OP-Factions), and many of the bases are made of obsidian with waterfall defenses. Having to strictly use one material because of its huge defensive capabilities makes a base feel bland and "un-homely", especially if that "strong" defense is not accompanied by archers, traps, or redstone-powered siege weapons.
Edit, August 9, 2019: Sorry about the wrong link on the Scaraks text; I fixed it. When Hytale updated the media page on July 2019, some links got messed up.
A typical Factions base.
Looks very boring, if you ask me.

The same obsidian base with lots of added details and defensive features.
It took me 1 hour and 16 minutes to add all these details.
(Some water was removed for illustrative purposes.)
Now, you may ask, how do I deal with fliers and griefers?

The simple answer is to use a ranged weapon, but I don't think Hypixel Studios would make it that easy. Besides, I argued in this Facebook post that throwable weapons like javelins and hand axes should be weak or difficult to get. Edit, May 31, 2020: The May 30, 2020 progress update confirmed the ability for human players to throw spears.
I asked people in The Game Gurus's Discord server what they think about javelins, hand axes, etc.
This is the only response I got, but I like it a lot, and I agree.
The next best thing is to get something that will allow me to fly so I can attack fliers at melee range, but I think those are late-game. To me, it doesn't make sense to be able to craft a helicopter propeller or hot air balloon or befriend a dragon in the early-game.

I guess I can speed-build small walls to block projectiles and fliers that have a swooping melee attack, but that doesn't work against fliers that break or clip through blocks as they fly (like the Ender Dragon), and of course, enemy builders.

I am a speedy unit, so I can easily dodge attacks, especially in an open field. However, that's tough to do when I'm surrounded by summoned creatures or have projectiles coming from multiple angles.
Oh well, this is what I have my officers for; a group of people is harder to surround than a single person.

Oh well, Hytale isn't released yet, so we don't know for sure how strong these fliers and griefers will be. They could be weaker or stronger than I think, but I think Hypixel Studios is nice enough to strike a balance between the casual players and the hardcore players.
My team and I just need more video game practice and better school performance for now.
One thing's for sure: The enemy, no matter how tough, will get their butts kicked.

TL;DR summary: Void Eyes' abilities to fly and summon allies make them difficult to hit because the summoned creatures are distracting and I can't reach fliers with melee weapons. Goblins, unlike creepers, can throw multiple bombs from afar, causing a lot of damage to buildings. Builders and block breakers can bypass defenses like walls.
To defeat these enemies, I thought of using ranged attacks, flying, building small walls, or just dodging everything.

Wow, it's been a long time since I've done a TL;DR summary. I don't think the other posts needed a TL;DR summary because they're either short as a whole or can be speed-read just by reading the bold text.

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