Yeah, I've been swearing a lot more recently, even in conversations with people I've recently met.
But that's beside the point.
Thesis Status
Okay, not gonna lie, I mostly rushed my thesis by only putting bare minimum information and personal thoughts. I concluded that the way gamers act is how they wish they acted in real life which is often opposite to their real-life behavior. For example, many people think they're friendly but not confident in social situations (especially at work and school) but are very aggressive and competitive in gaming. On the other hand, support players are likely aggressive in real life.
I think my thesis is currently being reviewed by the professors. September 7 is the deadline for sending requirements for graduation, which I've already done, so it's safe to say that, after this date, I might receive news of a graduation ceremony or something.
The fucking Delta variant of the Wuhan coronavirus is running rampant in the Philippines right now and is hitting record numbers of new infections, so I think it's safe to say that my graduation ceremony will be purely online.
Update, September 1, 2021: My adviser saw some room for improvement but thinks it's "generally well-written". The points for improvement she gave are pretty simple to do. Let's get 'em!
Illegal Immigration in Genshin Impact
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Yeah! Take that, teleporting border! |
In Genshin Impact, though, screw that. Some players tried that a few weeks ago and haven't gotten banned.
Remember what I said about me playing my younger brother's Genshin Impact account but not touching his quests?
But I simply cannot allow him to play with Inazuma characters that are stuck at Lv. 20. He wants me to raise his characters, after all.
I've seen rumors (if not news reports) that re-runs will be rarer, especially considering the large number of new characters in Inazuma teased during the Version 2.0 trailer like Gorou, Thoma, and Yae Miko.
I actually got this illegal immigration done on the day I published this post, one day before everyone can play Version 2.1. I was scared that the illegal immigration exploit might be patched.
It won't allow me to play Inazuma events without completing the Archon Quests, I bet, so I gotta work with what I have. A lot of events say "Complete Ritou Escape Plan to unlock".
Update, September 1, 2021: Nope, I can't challenge the Thunder Manifestation without doing Ritou Escape Plan. RIP illegal immigration if my brother likes to use the Raiden Shogun or Kujou Sara.
Hey, at least Seirai Island has a lot of weed for my brother's Yoimiya to smoke! (This is a joke. I'm talking about using Naku Weed to ascend Yoimiya. google plz dont ban me (intentional bad grammar))
Update, September 2, 2021: I also can't do Hyakunin Ikki. :(
Why didn't you illegally immigrate earlier?
I didn't know that there was an easier method to do so. The method I first saw was exceptionally difficult and takes a long time: use Kaeya's ice bridges and repeatedly disconnect and reconnect.
And what was the method you used?
I followed this video by Ringo.
Basically, these are the steps I followed:
- Glitch underwater. Avoid going too high early on or you'll resurface. This'll allow you to walk on the surface like normal ground.
- Head directly east of Guyun Stone Forest and directly south of Musk Reef. Set a Portable Waypoint there in case of screw-ups.
- Kill a character will fall damage by landing on the black grassy terrain (I call it "the Void"). This will allow you to walk on it without being teleported back. Do NOT do anything weird like jumping, opening the map, or switching characters at this point; just run and sprint.
- Upon getting close to the great striped slope, repeat these steps until you get very close to Inazuma:
- Go to the Character screen and disconnect from the Internet.
- Unpause the game and run across the slope for 10 seconds. Do not climb it.
- Go to the Character screen, reconnect to the Internet, then disconnect again. This is best done in windowed mode on PC so you can keep track of the taskbar and tell if you're connected or disconnected.
If things go right, you should see the Inazuma icon on the loading screen when you reconnect. You'll then be teleported to Ritou.
Activate a Teleport Waypoint as soon as you arrive in case things go wrong.
Team Comps
I used Zhongli, Rosaria, Kaedehara Kazuha, and Jean. Zhongli protects against lightning strikes (just in case) and is tall, Rosaria increases Movement SPD at night, Kaedehara Kazuha reduces sprinting Stamina consumption, and Jean is just here for Anemo Resonance.
For a true F2P team, I suggest Kaeya, Noelle, Geo Traveler, and Barbara. Kaeya is tall and reduces sprinting Stamina consumption, Geo Resonance increases Noelle's Shield Strength, and Barbara patches up wounds without using food.
Lazy Week
IMPORTANT UPDATE: September 1, 2021
sadboi update: september 2, 2021 (intentional bad grammar)
my mom is pressuring me to work longer hours after i broke a contract saying i'll go back to my usual teaching schedule on september 1
so i'm working a little more out of sheer rage
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