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My younger brother is a very serious and principled person who loves reading. Note that he doesn't have Diluc. This is my own Diluc. He hasn't unlocked the Serenitea Pot either. |
I was actually nervous to announce this because, according to miHoYo's Terms of Service, you're not allowed to use anyone else's miHoYo account. However, Moga, a Genshin Impact YouTuber, has been a member of the Content Creator Program for a long time and regularly plays on his girlfriend's account (and has even messed with it), so now, I think it's safe to announce this.
I play my younger brother's Genshin Impact account.
Somewhere back when the Lantern Rite was going on in Version 1.3, my younger brother voluntarily asked me to play on his account to help him. I accepted...mainly because I internally cringed at watching him with his weak characters. lololol
We established some ground rules regarding his account:
- Aim for sword or polearm characters when wishing.
- Do NOT touch the main story.
Out of respect for him, I added my own rules too:
- Do not do one-time non-limited quests (i.e. Story Quests, World Quests).
- Do not open chests.
Why is This Announcement Important?
I think you'd be interested to know why I'm taking a longer-than-usual amount of time on Genshin Impact.
Assuming that every day, I complete all Daily Commissions, spend 20 Resin per battle, and mine every marked ore vein in Mondstadt, it takes me about 30 minutes to clear on my brother's account.
It increases to maybe 1 hour and 30 minutes when including weekly activities such as Reputation Quests and the Weekly Bosses. (I don't actively complete some of the Battle Pass quests like "Complete Ley Line Blossom challenges 20 times"; it's possible for me to reach BP Lv. 50 without doing so.)
It takes me 3 hours on my main account, considering I have 4 Weekly Bosses and 3 regions to mine ores.
Thank goodness the Bounties are much faster in Inazuma, but I have to deal with the tanky enemies in the Requests now.
My brother has grown tired of playing on my PC, likely because he's been banned from my PC several times by my mom. Eventually, I guess his time has been occupied by casual games that don't require powerful PCs, as well as his studies, so now, he staunchly refuses my offers to let him play Genshin Impact.
I still play his account, though, because I feel like Zhongli--I've bound myself to a contract. I'm excited to one day see him enjoy his new and vastly improved characters. Plus, I'm tired of spending 20 Original Resin each freakin' time--I wanna make Condensed Resin.
Why Did I Think This is Sus?
My brother and I are VERY different people. My brother posts much more about politics than I do, while I focus heavily on video games and romance on social media. He uses his Facebook account to log into Genshin Impact.
We have vastly different skill levels in this game. My brother didn't really have a main DPS, instead preferring to go "random bullshit go!" with Elemental Skills and Bursts. I, on the other hand, have clear team synergy plans.
Thankfully, we use the same device and IP address, so it's a little less sus.
Current State of His Quests
I needed to complete Diluc's and Klee's Story Quests to access the Golden Apple Archipelago.
Back in the Lantern Rite, I didn't touch the Liyue Archon Quests because I thought he was still actively playing. So no free character for him.
He's still stuck in Chapter I Act I which I progressed through a little while he wasn't looking because I was desperate to go on co-op against the Oceanid in Wishful Drops.
In terms of Story Quests, he has completed Razor's Story Quest so I can beat up Andrius.
My Brother's Best Characters...Raised By Me
He didn't have Razor before, but now he does, and Razor is my brother's strongest character. I used a claymore billet while he wasn't looking, though, and I have gotten NO new billets from any weekly boss for him.
Razor is very easy to raise because of his extremely fast attacks from his Elemental Burst, as well as his Physical DMG Bonus ascension stat.
His other characters are very weak in comparison because I'm lazy to farm artifacts and I'm focusing on hoarding Acquaint Fates. Kaeya, in particular, has no Blizzard Strayer set because I want my brother to experience the puzzle required to unlock that artifact domain.
I don't have Kazuha and Zhongli on my main account, but my brother got lucky and, oh boy, are they strong.
Kazuha gets around the problem of removing element statuses by absorbing an element with his Elemental Skill before unleashing it with a Plunging Attack.
Given my brother's history of raging in video games, Zhongli will make his gameplay SO much easier because his shield is nigh-unbreakable. My brother just has to worry about Spiral Abyss time limits.
Unfortunately, I can't level Kazuha's and Zhongli's Talents past Lv. 6.
I got a little ticked off, though...when he freakin' pulled Jean from the Standard banner. Y U no give Jean to my main account? I have every Standard banner 5-star except Jean.
But Jean will also make things easier for my brother thanks to her insta-heal and consistent ability to inflict fall DMG.
I hope something will drive him to get back to Genshin Impact because Inazuma characters (except Kazuha) require access to Inazuma to grow stronger. Only Inazuma so far is explicitly closed off to foreigners, but there's a possibility that, for pure gameplay rather than lore purposes, Sumeru and the other future regions are locked down.
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