Sunday, May 27, 2018

Alternative Jobs

Quick update on my life: I worked extra hard on my studies this week, so there was little thought in my head for a blog post, not even "My Opinion on Every Pokémon".
(I should really try a Nuzlocke at some point; I usually don't have time to grind in Pokémon due to real life tasks, so I don't do Nuzlocke challenges)
But anyways, on to the actual topic.

Tacticians must know how to think ahead of the situation.
I know I don't do that sometimes, but if there's something I thought ahead of, it's careers.

Thanks to my love for video games, my first choice for a career is to start my own game development studio--I plan to design, code, and write the story for my own video game.
This is why I took up Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Studies (BAMS) in the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU). I recently completed a course called Principles of Programming, where I was introduced to Python, and I coded an "accounting program" with a hidden Miitopia parody as my final project. (I got a 1.25, which is solid.)

But, for the most part, I am a very lazy student--I've failed multiple subjects. So I'm getting second thoughts on continuing with BAMS; maybe I should just take courses on the Web since I hate traditional education and its excessive emphasis on grades and tests?

But what if I can't take Web courses? Well, I've made up some alternative careers since I was in, I believe, high school.

If you've read my previous blog posts, especially "Fighting Addiction", you'll know that I have a secondary interest in martial arts. My wild guess is that 70% of you will say I'll have boxing as one of my secondary careers, and to those who did guess it, good job. (To those who were wrong, I feel sorry to hear that--no offense.)
Although I'm nowhere close to being on the level of a professional boxer, I think winning against my friend YoSquid is already a solid sign of improvement and potential--I beat him by dodging and faking attacks to expose weaknesses.
And let's just say it'll be super fun to take my anger out on my opponent on the ring, where it's perfectly legal and I won't get arrested. (And before you ask, I can still fight well while raging; I can quickly block, dodge, feint, and counter-attack.)
And boxing doesn't require essay-writing or math. I do, however, research on the physics of boxing from time to time.
(I didn't choose MMA because I suck at kicking, and other martial arts have too many rules.)
Edit: I may have a better chance of succeeding in competitive boxing, thanks to Coach G-Force training me.

But what if I'm too weak, or boxing promoters won't hire me?
Oh well, I'm good at mimicking other people, so my third job option would be a voice actor.
Again, no essay-writing or math.

My fourth job option would be a teacher for the primary (elementary) school level.
Through the years, I've often taught people. Usually, I teach my family members about using computers, but on rare occasions, I've taught school subjects, and I've done so successfully. Last year, I wrote a ton of strategies for Lunatic Blade.
So I feel confident that I can formally teach.

And if all else fails? I guess I'll work at the Park. Or Lift With Your Back Moving Co. (because I don't know how to lift with my legs) Just kidding.

I'll just continue writing this blog. I could probably eat three pieces of bread and drink two glasses of water daily and pay off electric and water bills with just AdSense revenues...or can I? I'm wild-guessing our monthly bills add up to US$100.
I'm thinking of starting a YouTube gaming channel, but I'm not confident in my ability to do commentary, especially the intro. All I have in my head is "How's it going, fellas? The name's LunaticTactician, and we're back with (video title)", which is a common template done by many YouTubers, and it's quite unoriginal. (Ace Trainer Liam's "Whaddup, schmucks, it's Ace Trainer Liam" intro is pretty nice and original, though.)

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