Tuesday, December 25, 2018

December 25 - Christmas Inactivity

I (mostly) avoided doing other things this December 24 and 25 to spend time with my family.

We ate cake, fruit salad, spaghetti, and two huge pizzas for our Christmas dinners on both days. I was stuffed so bad it's as if I were having a buffet, even though I only had 3 1/2 pizza slices.

On December 25, we went shopping for Christmas gifts and my dad gave me a book about Jose Rizal.
(My big brother also gave me two books on programming and an opportunity to play with my niece on December 22. I had a shockingly fun time.)

As a result, I got lazy to write blog posts or chat with any of my "friends".
Please consider my Hytale post as my other Christmas gift to you, aside from God granting you a more blessed life.

"Cramming Before School" Plans

I hope I can get serious on blogging again on December 26.
School starts at January 5, 2019, so I have more than a week before I become completely inactive.

I have Coach G-Force Part 6 and a very late Christmas-themed post planned.
If I get permission from my family and I don't get lazy, I might also blog about my New Year's Eve party when I get home on January 2, 2019.

Anyway, the homily I heard this season had a simple message: Invite Jesus into your lives.

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