Ahhh, a hilichurl camp. Anyone wanna KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM? |
This is based on Version 1.2.
Stats are updated as of January 7, 2021. Here's a partial and official database for my characters' stats.
Some analyses are outdated.
As I said in my November 2, 2020 personal life update, I'm...addicted to Genshin Impact. The Breath of the Wild similarities and sudden popularity drew me in at first, but the combat, man, it's so good. I enjoy blowing up my foes by spamming Swirl on them.
In my private Discord server, BoltOLightnin told me and YoSquid that Genshin Impact will buy us some time while we wait for Hytale. And, believe it or not, Genshin Impact was and remains effective at doing so, at least for me.
But I suck at introductions. Screw this. Time for talking about the rules.
- All characters will be sorted based on their names as they appear in-game. For example, Kamisato Ayaka is between Kaedehara Kazuha and Keqing, not Amber and Barbara.
- Each character will be evaluated based on four categories: Combat, Lore, Similarity, and Husbando/Waifu Value.
- Combat refers to how effective the character is during combat gameplay. Elemental Skills and Elemental Bursts contribute the most to this, though Normal Attacks are counted as well, especially for characters oriented towards dealing lots of Damage Per Second (DPS).
- Lore refers to character traits and stories. Some sections contain major spoilers.
- Similarity refers to how similar a character is with either my real-life self or my Author Avatar.
- Husbando/Waifu Value refers to how much I would want a character as a husbando/waifu. For male characters, assume I'm roleplaying a straight girl. Contains sexual content.
- Side notes contain unrelated content such as what my friends think of the characters and my experiences with trying to mimic their voices in VRChat and using them in events like Theater Mechanicus and Windtrace.
- I'm a low spender--I was given a Blessing of the Welkin Moon by a friend. I don't plan to purchase anything else for now and I don't know if I'll be gifted again anytime soon.
- If I have a specific character, a table will be included detailing the character's stats in my account. A +X in "Constellation Level" indicates the number of times I have pulled that character past C6.
- Disclaimer: I am not a competitive player or a lore nerd.
I do not have this character and don't plan to get him.
This 5-star character was featured in the Secretum Secretorum Event Wish.
Albedo's Elemental Skill creates a Solar Isotoma that causes enemies within its AoE to take AoE Geo DMG whenever they take DMG (except from Albedo's Elemental Burst). It has the shortest CD of all the Geo characters' Elemental Skills, making Albedo great for generating Energy.
His Elemental Burst is a simple AoE Geo DMG attack that deals additional DMG to enemies in the Solar Isotoma's AoE.
His Solar Isotoma is famous for being considered an elevator, being able to lift up characters who step on it.
Problem is, from my experience using Albedo in the Battlefront: Misty Dungeon event, it feels clunky. Sometimes, it doesn't work or takes a few seconds. It's also small, so characters who are not protected by someone with a strong shield like Zhongli's may either pass through the Solar Isotoma in the middle of sprinting/evading or may be forced to move slowly and possibly get hit by an incoming attack. While it's great for keeping ranged attackers out of reach of melee enemies without interfering with melee characters who prefer to stay on the ground (unlike Geo Traveler who can physically block players' paths), again, it forces reliance on shield characters like Zhongli because it's pretty much a rule for the Spiral Abyss to have a mix of melee and ranged enemies, as well as foes that just have such obscene AoE attacks that they can hit foes in the air. Lastly, catalyst wielders typically have short-range attacks, so bow wielders benefit the most...and Aimed Shots are typically mediocre because of their single-target restriction except for Ganyu's.
(Screw Crystallize shields, by the way. They're paper-thin.)
I find that many of Albedo's roles can be done better than other characters. In terms of shield-breaking, there's a 2s CD for dealing Geo DMG in his Solar Isotoma field, but other heavy attacks like Klee's bombs and Razor's MUDA MUDA MUDA don't suffer from this. Wanna plunge? Use Venti or Xiao. Want big Elemental Burst DMG? Nuke 'em with Chongyun. Want massive Elemental Mastery? Sucrose is your go-to. Want a Geo main DPS? Look no further than Ningguang or Noelle.
But Albedo does have a niche.
Albedo, for me, is designed specifically to take advantage of the 1.3 Geo Resonance effect which decreases foes' Geo RES when protected by a shield. His short Elemental Skill CD is great for restoring Noelle's or Zhongli's Energy; both have difficulty generating Energy. He pairs well with Ningguang as well because of their ability to constantly bombard foes with Geo DMG.
I give a Meh (4/10).
Albedo's overall involvement in the playable story is all about experimentation with the Traveler. His character story, Princeps Cretaceus, is about him looking for superpowers within the Traveler...only to find out the Traveler is mostly normal other than the fact they don't use a Vision to channel the elements.
The experimentation continues in The Chalk Prince and the Dragon where Albedo studies the relationships between the Traveler and the sword made of the Shadow Dragon Durin's blood, Festering Desire. I'm glad the Acts are short and sweet 'cause I wasn't ready to sit through hours of questing after many days of being banned from playing Genshin Impact. I think the most significant piece of lore in this event is the fact the Traveler can purify more than just Dvalin's Tears; they purified Festering Desire. Who knows where else this superpower can come in handy...
Albedo is an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect on the "genius" side. He is highly respected for his intelligence, even by Jean, though Albedo himself doubts his own intelligence. He wants his assistant Sucrose to just call him "Albedo" instead of "Master Albedo" or, in the Japanese dub, "Albedo-sensei".
Albedo has his sus moments, especially given that Rosaria warned the Traveler about Albedo. First is when he joked about having the Traveler fight 6 oceanids as an experiment. Second is more sus: After fighting a previously dead then powered-up Cryo Regisvine that absorbed Festering Desire's power, Albedo, Paimon, and the Traveler discussed the possibility of other creatures, including Albedo, doing the same power absorption. The camera zoomed into Albedo's menacing eyes while Albedo said, "Would you like to try it out?"
Some fans discussed the idea of Albedo being a boss because of him saying that if he goes crazy and wrecks Mondstadt, the Traveler should kill him. I honestly wouldn't mind, even though I have a positive impression of his overall personality. Suddenly, I feel Ax-Crazy...
Thanks to Albedo, I now know why, for some reason, dandelions can be found on the Minacious Isle in the Golden Apple Archipelago. It's actually ripped off of a Mondstadt mountain and brought a long distance.
But I have a feeling it's not Barbatos's doing. Remember, he's the Anemo Archon and the weakest of the Archons; erosion sounds like a Geo thing to me and Rex Lapis has no influence in Mondstadt.
The Dodo-King seems to be incredibly powerful given that, somehow, they (I'm not sure who or what the Dodo-King really is, but I assume it's Klee's mother Alice) can control who enters the Golden Apple Archipelago and they have mechanisms that can control the tides. Klee is already quite destructive, given that she blew off chunks of the Stormbearer Mountains, so it should be no surprise that Alice should be capable of something much more powerful than Klee. And, given that Alice is pretty much The Ace in adventuring and magic, does this make more than just a human, but maybe an Archon-level being that may or may not be a god? Is she a foreigner to Teyvat just like Aether/Lumine? Sorry, I enjoy throwing wild guesses.
I give a Pretty Cool (7/10).
I'm neither an artist nor a biologist/chemist. I admit I waste too much time gaming. Also, the closest thing I study to "biology" is psychology. I'm more interested in learning how the human mind works than how...the rest of the body works, let alone the bodies of plants and other animals.
When I meet someone new, I often ask them a lot of personal questions while imagining I'm a journalist, scientist, or spy. My goal is to discover their personality traits and check how compatible the person is with me, though in my mind, they think I'm an undercover police officer.
Albedo thinks of Klee as a younger sister, while I think of my niece as a playmate and so does she. Close enough, I guess.
At least it's easy for me to clean up the messes my niece does to the drawings on my tablet thanks to a neat little button called "undo". She drew Peppa Pig's face on my Klee outline, erased my Jean and Kaeya, made my Venti look like a French dude, and scribbled all over the "Diona's Special" that I intentionally wanted her to trash.
I gifted her a pencil-drawn headshot of Klee for Christmas 2020. She drew a "weird-looking lizard" on the back of the paper when we came back on New Year's Eve.
I enjoy sweets a lot, especially chocolate. I don't notice the "high energy" part, though, maybe 'cause I don't pay attention. Lately, I've been ordering more chocolate chip bread from my mom's bakery franchise than usual, as well as eating it faster.
I also have a small appetite, though I think that's related to how thin I am. I want to eat big but I simply can't physically handle so much food, even if it tastes so good. Aside from that, I also consciously avoid overeating to save food and money.
All the more reason I should work extra hard on my English-teaching job.
Problem is, unlike Albedo, I have a Hair-Trigger Temper. If I were Albedo and saw a hilichurl rob my sketchbook and drool on it, I would go on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge and kill not just the hilichurl that robbed my sketchbook, but also EVERY LAST HILICHURL IN A 100-METER RADIUS!
I give a 3/10.
Husbando Value
Considering Rosaria thinks Albedo is sus, I think it's too risky to have Albedo as a husbando. That tough nun looks like she can read my mind and outspeed me in combat. See Tartaglia's husbando value in part 2.
Rosaria aside, Albedo is incredibly smart yet calm and modest. Though he dislikes the idea of maintaining long-term friendships, he is still a good boss to Sucrose and Timaeus. If you screw up in front of him, he'll act scary as a joke to ensure you don't do it again...but he remains calm and willing to help you improve, I think.
I don't know what my gender-flipped version will be able to offer Albedo, to be honest. I keep thinking of what he can offer her: his skill in alchemy and arts.
I give a 6/10.
Side Notes
Albedo x Sucrose
I won't spoil part 2 too much, but I REALLY like Sucrose as a waifu. You'll see in the Amber section that I hate the Amber x Sucrose ship.
Yet I don't complain about Albedo x Sucrose.
This is because this is a ship by ordinary fans. It doesn't feel "official".
This character can be obtained for free only in Versions 2.1 and 2.2. PlayStation players can get her in Version 2.1 while other platforms can get her in Version 2.2.
Aloy is, for me, the most difficult character to master...and even then, she's not very useful.
I'm currently not interested in playing Horizon Zero Dawn.
Waifu Value
This character is obtained for free in the main story.
Level | Weapon | Artifact Sets | Max HP | ATK | DEF | Elemental Mastery | Constellation Level |
70 | Windblume Ode Lv. 90/90 | Wanderer's Troupe (4) | 10322 | 1101 | 572 | 280 | 0 |
- Much of Amber's DMG comes from her Aimed Shots. However, they're slow and single-target only, unlike most non-bow characters.
- Pressing the Elemental Skill button throws Baron Bunny in front of and close to Amber, leaving her vulnerable to a melee attack that might hit both her and Baron Bunny. Holding it down locks Amber in place while charging up her throw. Other Draw Aggro characters like Ganyu and Mona can immediately step back while placing their Draw Aggro objects.
- Baron Bunny's HP scales with Amber's Max HP, so it'll take a while before Pyro is applied to enemies in its AoE.
- Baron Bunny does not generate Energy until it explodes. It suffers from a long CD too.
- Amber's Elemental Burst lasts for only 2s compared to its long CD of 12s.
- C1 is just a tiny bit of additional DMG. The other constellations are valuable but require a lot of luck and/or whaling because Amber is a starter character.
Additionally, it's generally accepted that Xiangling is much better than Amber in combat. Xiangling's Pyronado lasts longer and has a higher single-hit DMG scaling, making her great for Melt and Vaporize spamming. Guoba also continuously applies Pyro in a large AoE.
But I don't feel comfortable echoing others' opinions 'cause I'm sure you're here for MY unique opinions, not others'. I wouldn't be LunaticTactician if I just say what other people say, would I?
I think many of you HATE the Talent book domain in Mondstadt. It greatly increases your Stamina consumption rate, it constantly bombards you with icicles that interrupt your characters, and at the highest level, ALL the enemies have Cryo shields. Additionally, the enemies are, in Filipino, malikot--they move erratically, so it's hard to keep them in one place without Sucrose or Venti, and even then, you need to break their darn shields first before you can suck 'em up.
From my experience, though, Amber's Elemental Burst can break their shields with one button press as long as they stay in the AoE. Again, Energy generation is tough with Amber alone, so use someone like Bennett to rack up Energy.
I'm still disappointed though because I'm an archer in real life.
I give a
DISAPPOINTED! (3/10). plz listen to
tectone and
buff amber. i mean, kaeya is free and he's op as heck. (intentional bad grammar)
I respect Amber for her insane dedication, particularly in her Story Quest where the group has to glide past a chasm that was so long it looked impossible to reach the other side. Amber and company bravely took the flight anyway and found an updraft.
Her moments of stupidity are kinda funny to me.
Instead of sending the gliding manual to the Traveler, Amber gave away her favorite storybook by accident. The book's moral lesson was "It's courage that allows you to fly, not the winds", so, combined with the cutscene, it felt like a philosophical book written hundreds or thousands of years ago, making me falsely believe, "Wow! Now, this is a gliding manual!"
And don't get me started with the Outrider's Champion Steak!. I understand that new chefs can sometimes overcook their food (I've overcooked rice and meat before), but...
leaving one side uncooked!? You're lucky Gordon Ramsay (or an
expy of him) is not in this game. Ironically, it restores more HP than a regular steak for ease of gameplay.
(Though some fans replace Gordon Ramsay's face with Xiangling's in memes.)
Her animation of hugging and
nuzzling Baron Bunny is very cute. The giggling sells it even more. Must...hug...my niece...
I give an Alright (6/10).
Amber is the Outrider of the Knights of Favonius. I am an archer and a scout, both in real life and in tabletop and video games.
Most of the time, I feel neutral, but when I'm excited, I act like Amber. I'm like, "Bring it on!"
I don't consider myself good at cooking, but I'm nowhere near as bad as Amber. It should be common sense for every chef to cook food evenly.
I'm primarily an infantry unit, while in my head, I consider Amber a flier since she's a three-time Gliding Champion.
I've never tried sports involving tall heights, and if I had to, I'd most likely shiver in fear.
I give a 5/10.
Waifu Value
Not gonna lie, I love Amber's outfit. I like it when girls wear white around their...you-know-whats. (Although ZeldaMaster's artist made Amber look extra weird.)
Assuming the Knights of Favonius, in general, don't mind, I reckon Amber would be great for dating while she's working.
I enjoy roaming around nature 'cause it makes me feel like a Pokémon Trainer walking through tall grass while sniffing the fresh air. And I might find the occasional hilichurl camp where I can KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!
But...other than knightly duties, she's stupid, especially in the kitchen. Intelligence is one of my most valued traits in a waifu, and without that, I cannot relate with her in important matters that require brains.
I give her a 4/10. Amber is way cooler as a regular friend.
Nope. Screw all that good stuff. Valeria Rodriguez, the voice of Sucrose,
ships Amber and Sucrose. And I have a crush on Sucrose.
As such, Amber is now my rival. How will I eliminate her, you ask? By
DROWNING HER! 'Cause I'm high on
Childe Water!
(Actually, I'd rather pay Tartaglia himself to deliver the kill...)
I give a 0/10.
Wondering how I afford all this Childe Water?
I'm tall and big-brained like Zhongli so I can mimic him for a discount. YoSquid also called me "emergency food" and the ad said emergency food is accepted. Lastly, the Mora I use to pay for it is STAINED BY THE BLOOD OF MY ENEMIES--
Just kidding. We have a water filter at home. It cleans tap water.
This character can be obtained for free from Baptism of Song.
Level | Weapon | Artifact Sets | Max HP | ATK | DEF | Elemental Mastery | Constellation Level |
51 | Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers Lv. 45/50 | Maiden Beloved (4) | 10471 | 497 | 439 | 17 | 6 |
Well...to be honest, I'm not a fan of Barbara. Many characters do Barbara's job better; Bennett heals at a much faster rate of once per second vs. Barbara's once per 5 seconds, Diona can shield and hit weak points, Noelle can double as a main DPS, Qiqi can create ice bridges and deal DoT, and Xingqiu can also inflict Hydro on nearby foes with his Rain Swords if Raincutter wasn't good enough already.
Barbara is unique among many other healers in that she can insta-heal on a budget, but Jean also has that ability, on top of cleansing any elemental debuff and having an effective Energy Cost of 65 vs. Barbara's 80.
Barbara's biggest advantage, though, is her budget-friendly effectiveness against the Pyro Hypostasis, a boss that requires the player to extinguish three Tinders to prevent it from regenerating its shield. In Version 2.0, it regenerated SURPRISINGLY fast to the point that I sometimes missed the last Tinder even with Tartaglia and Xingqiu at the last split-second. Barbara, being a ranged character, doesn't have to move as much, unlike these melee Hydro characters.
Kokomi and Mona can do the same thing, but they're 5-stars. Mona, additionally, is notorious for her clunky sprint.
I give an OK (5/10).
I relate to Barbara playing the
Always Someone Better trope. Humans, particularly males, are inclined towards competition--being the very best. When I think about why Barbara became an Idol Singer, I imagine Barbara thinking, "Suck on that, Jean!"
Barbara's Hangout Event is about her struggles as an idol and a healer.
As an idol, she often gets stalked by Albert; in this event, the Traveler has to drive Albert away from Barbara. In particular, I like how Paimon pretends to call for Barbara when, in reality, they're giving Barbara time to escape from Albert.
As a healer, she has to deal with criminals who pretend to be injured. We can choose to either beat up the Treasure Hoarder in this situation or be chill with him and give him what he needs. I love the freedom of choice here.
To top it all off, Barbara is still very young and inexperienced. These struggles reflect real-life struggles pretty well.
Darn shame that choosing "It's alright, this is the perfect place for two people to spend some time together." instantly ends the Hangout Event. Yes, I watch Gimnaeng.
Barbara's reaction is realistic and all, but I wouldn't mind doing something like this in real life to a girl I like.
There's a funny moment late in the Mondstadt story involving Barbara and Venti, but I won't say it here since it's a major spoiler. You can find the spoiler in Venti's lore section in part 2.
I give an OK (5/10).
Barbara's combat is somewhat of a blend of my child and teen selves. As a kid, I pretended to be a water-controlling
Magic Knight. As a teen, I played healing classes in RPGs.
In terms of my young adult self, the only similarity I have with Barbara is being good at things that few other people I know are good at, those being archery and boxing.
But I'm not religious and I consider myself average at singing.
Waifu Value
Barbara is a healer and can potentially double the number of HP-restoring dishes she cooks. I could really use a healer for a waifu since I do a lot of physical activity and I want to minimize my risk of injury.
But at the same time, my morals feel uncomfortable having a healer for a waifu because it feels like receiving a gift I didn't work for. From what I understand, romantic relationships are based almost entirely on mutual respect, not utility.
Also, again, I'm not religious.
I give a DISAPPOINTED! (3/10).
Side Notes
Omegle: Ria
Permission to use her name obtained.
I was inspired by Sora The Troll to try Omegle--VRChat was killing my PC and I didn't like the group-oriented nature of the game.
The thing about Omegle is it lets you talk strictly one-on-one with a random stranger. You can even look for strangers who match your interests (I only wrote "Genshin Impact" on mine).
Working as an English tutor has somewhat improved my social skills, so I tried flexing 'em in Omegle like a lunatic journalist tactician. That's how I met Ria who is now one of my Discord friends.
Few people I know actually closely match the current Genshin Impact playable characters, so Ria was also a challenge. I settled on Barbara because:
- She likes singing (like most young girls).
- She imagines herself as a healer and a weak fighter. She'd rather play support.
- She's your typical modern-day shy girl.
However, the differences between her and Barbara are:
- She doesn't have a family member, friend, or relative who's much better than her in several ways (i.e. a Jean-like person).
- She's super lazy and would rather consume anime and manga.
Reaching Friendship 10 with Weak Characters
I like to save the best for last when it comes to the friendship mechanic. As such, I do most activities that give Companionship EXP (Daily Commissions, Domain/Ley Line farming, Serenitea Pot companions, saving Reckless Pallad) using one strong main DPS and three characters I don't like regardless of team synergy. (Yes, it's for this reason that I run Chongyun and Razor on the same team.)
I made the mistake of raising Sucrose and Tartaglia, some of my best characters, to Friendship 10 first. This limits me to Venti who has anti-synergy with melee characters and Xingqiu who doesn't have a super-strong single-hit Hydro attack and suffers from long cooldowns.
Barbara is the first among the characters I dislike to reach Friendship 10. She's only really useful in the Spiral Abyss where the player cannot use food to heal or revive. In Domains, events, and the open world, I can simply use food or a "Pokémon Center" (i.e. Statue of The Seven).
Voice Acting
I do Barbara's voice in three ways: an exaggerated "depressed" version of her post-1.3 voice, her pre-1.3 energetic voice, and my own voice.
I don't know which one VRChat players prefer, but I prefer to use my own voice where I sound more like a Stock Shonen Hero.
Crying is my biggest weakness in acting because of my stoic personality, so I admit it's embarrassing to do Barbara's "depressed" lines.
I don't know why, but after voicing several Genshin characters in VRChat except for Barbara, I often get asked to do Barbara's melody thing.
I sound roughly as awkward as Zach Aguilar's impression, at least for me.
This 4★ character was featured in the Invitation to Mundane Life Event Wish.
The Bell Lv. 60/60
Gladiator's Finale, Wanderer's Troupe
A character that can both attack and defend effectively? Yes, please! Counterattacks? GIMME GIMME GIMME!
Generally, in games with hack-and-slash-style combat, I play more defensively, opting to overwhelm foes with precise attacks, blinding speed, and impenetrable defenses. With her second Passive Talent, Lightning Storm, Beidou is capable of all of them, though defense remains her best offense and paves the way for a more devastating offense.
Beidou can buy time for other characters' Elemental Skills to cool down since while holding her own Elemental Skill, she can tank a lot of hits.
She works well as a powerful DPS character too--her Elemental Burst makes it difficult to interrupt her attacks and allows her to retaliate with chain lightning for that shweet, shweet crowd control.
I give her an Awesome (8/10).
Beidou is just as awesome in lore as she is in combat.
At first glance, she looks like the kind of girl who would destroy you if you got too close, considering her somewhat intimidatingly confident face in her official art, as well as the obvious BFS. After all, she is said to be able to wreck mountains, the sea, and sea monsters.
But she's got a kind side--she saved a small boat and its crew from raging waves and, in return, the crew became her business partners. Her ship's crew also greatly respects her; most of the NPCs there gush about what an awesome captain Beidou is. As a real-life businessman and fictional thief, Beidou has my respect.
She's surprisingly smart too, being able to beat Ningguang in chess and learn her signature dish from Xiangling.
Lastly, Beidou is voiced by Allegra Clark who also voiced Dorothea and Shamir in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Allegra Clark is having a streak with hot ladies, huh?
Speaking of her voice, I love her voice lines in the Crux Clash. I felt like I was watching WWE.
Again, Beidou gets an Awesome (8/10).
I have absolutely no skill in marine navigation--heck, I have little skill in swimming. I reckon joining the Navy in real life would wreck my brain, given that I have to memorize a boatload (pun intended) of ship-related terms.
Combat-wise, I fight in a similar style in real life, though I focus more on speed than raw damage while being just as strong defensively. Much of the damage I inflict comes from either hitting a foe's weak point or parrying an attack then immediately counterattacking, effectively dealing a lot more damage than my normal attacks. On the other hand, my normal attacks focus on speed to inflict chip damage and buy me time to study my foe's fighting style without spending too much stamina.
Personality- and skill-wise, I secretly desire something in return when I help others. Usually, I just want to hear gratitude, but in the case of friends, I want Quality Time.
I'm below average at chess, but I'm a fast learner mainly in school work. It usually takes me 2-3 hours to learn something that a normal student would take days to learn. In game dev class, I had a habit of being ahead of my other classmates, causing my instructor to say, "Slow down. Let the others catch up."
Lastly, if you count my water drinking as similar to Beidou's alcoholism, then yes, we're similar in that regard. However, I don't count it--I hate alcohol.
I give a 4/10.
Waifu Value
Allegra Clark, cooking, kindness, leadership skills, and smarts are great and all, but Beidou has too many glaring flaws that stop her from being waifu material for me.
First and most importantly, Beidou is a heavy alcohol drinker. Again, I hate alcohol. She never seems to get drunk, though, as far as I know, but still, I think alcohol is not worth the money.
Second, her overall appearance is too fanservicey and intimidating for my taste. Interestingly, her rear doesn't appeal to me as much as other characters who were also designed to be fanservicey.
Third, I dislike having to constantly be with Big Eaters, given that I'm underweight and I do a lot of physical activity.
I give a DISAPPOINTED! (3/10).
This 4★ character was featured in the Dance of Lanterns Event Wish.
Skyward Blade Lv. 70/90
Noblesse Oblige (4)
Bennett's Passive Talents seem oriented towards DPS. They decrease the cooldown of his Elemental Skill which simply performs flaming slashes. He's decent if the player doesn't have another Pyro DPS like Diluc, Hu Tao, or Klee, but these three characters deal more damage.
Holding his Elemental Skill leaves Bennett vulnerable and can launch him backward, so most players opt to just press the Elemental Skill button. When aiming for a Melt reaction, pressing actually deals more damage.
The only situation where it's viable to hold down his Elemental Skill is something you won't expect: it's one of the few attacks that can knock down lawachurls. I saw a Bennett player do this a lot in the Dragonspine artifact domain, so I thought, I might as well assist with Klee's knockdown ability.
Where Bennett really shines is his Elemental Burst which has contributed to him being top-tier. It heals MUCH faster than other healers for a lower Energy Cost of 60 compared to most healers' 80, on top of granting an ATK boost that scales with Bennett's Base ATK.
Bennett was considered low-tier before because of the awkward limitations of his Elemental Burst, particularly the fact it could only heal characters below 70% of their max HP. Of course, being an Elemental Burst, the player still needs to gather Energy, so dedicated healers like Barbara and Qiqi aren't completely outclassed.
I give a Pretty Cool (7/10).
I focused my Bennett on HP so he can stay alive in case I fail to dodge an incoming attack after using his Elemental Burst. His other stats remain mostly untouched so I can focus my investment on my favorite DPS characters.
Prepare to see a similar theme on other characters that I don't plan to seriously raise.
This may change once I play Version 1.4.
This boy is a walking pile of bad luck. And I thought
Arthur from
Fire Emblem Fates was bad. Bennett spreads bad luck
even to others!
I find it funny that his birthday is on February 29. Poor guy. 4 more years until his birthday as of writing this post.
But hey, I respect him for his persistence. Despite his lack of proper armor, this guy tanks like a champ, at least in lore. (Heck, I intentionally designed my Bennett to tank like a champ.)
Cristina Valenzuela did a good job of making Bennett sound like an early teenage boy, by the way. Reminds me of the male children in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim which were voiced by a real teenage boy at the time.
By the way, Cristina Valenzuela is the voice of Lachesis in
Fire Emblem Heroes. Don't let Lachesis's
husbando brother Eldigan near this guy.
I give a Pretty Cool (7/10).
Why was Bennett in the crowd when Venti was teaching how to write romance poems in the first quest of the Windblume Festival? Though his reason is currently unknown, I feel like miHoYo is fueling the fans' Bennett x Fischl ship.
I promise, my luck is nowhere near as bad as Bennett's. While I feel hot when someone complains about the heat and cold when I hear a complaint about coldness, I'm ridiculously lucky to have a gaming laptop to even play Genshin Impact to begin with.
In times where I do feel unlucky, I often quickly forget about them and focus on my goals.
Then again, my Minecraft team was disbanded due to a lack of in-game currency which I should have paid my teammates, as well as controversies involving me and my members.
I give a 4/10.
Husbando Value
You're joking, right? Adventurer's Guild members wouldn't dare get within 10 meters of Bennett, and neither would I. Easy 0/10.
Side Note
Voice Acting
Most VRChat players don't react to me voicing Bennett. A few others tell me to "shut the fuck up". Maybe it's because I sound like an early teenage boy, if not a little kid.
Bennett's Japanese voice is a little deeper and is actually male. I have trouble saying "Bouken da bouken!"
Believe it or not, I actually like my own voice better than any of the official Bennett voices. I have a higher-pitched voice than my other family members and I enjoy voicing energetic Stock Shonen Heroes.
This 4★ character was featured in the Moment of Bloom Event Wish.
Sacrificial Greatsword Lv. 70/70
Blizzard Strayer, Wanderer's Troupe
You know what I enjoy doing in video games that involve stopping an enemy from moving, whether it's by putting them to sleep, turning them into stone, or in this case, ice? HITTING IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN!
It just so happens that not only can Chongyun's Elemental Skill damage a circular area around him (vs. Kaeya's cone-shaped AoE), making him ideal while surrounded by foes, but he also allows claymore, polearm, and sword wielders (i.e. melee attackers) to inflict Cryo with each Normal Attack. Combine that with spreading Hydro and Anemo with Xingqiu and Sucrose respectively and the player can keep foes frozen for really freaking long.
One downside is that the player has to stay within the AoE to continuously deal Cryo damage, which can get annoying when evading ranged attackers because they move very little, unlike melee enemies that naturally group themselves up as they gang up on you.
Another is all of his attacks inflict Shatter which effectively slows down foes instead of truly freezing them. It has anti-synergy with the Blizzard Strayer set which maximizes CRIT Rate on Frozen foes. If Shatter is not your thing, use Chongyun for support and Kaeya/Rosaria as a main DPS. (It is for me--I enjoy the sound and particle effects.)
His biggest flaw, however, also comes from his Elemental Skill. It has anti-synergy with physical attackers, most notably Razor, because they lose the benefits from Physical DMG Bonus (which Razor gains upon ascending).
I give an Alright (6/10).
Chongyun reminds me slightly of Saitama from One Punch Man. Similar to how Saitama kills almost anything with one punch, Chongyun exorcises demons...simply by being physically close to them. Also, similar to Saitama who wants a fight that will actually challenge him properly, Chongyun believes that exorcism should be done "the hard way": with charms and swordsmanship.
His yang energy is a key trait in his character; it's what helps him exorcise demons, but driving it out of control by heating Chongyun up even just a little--either literally (like with hot/spicy food and sunlight) or figuratively (like getting into arguments)--causes Chongyun to go crazy. His Story 3, where he accidentally ate rice balls with Jueyun Chili inside, gave me a good laugh. He ordered food for all his clan members at the Wanmin Restaurant not knowing he had no funds. He started conversations with other customers. It was almost like he was drunk to me.
(Why doesn't Chongyun's lack of money in this situation get memed alongside Mona, Venti, and Zhongli?)
Still, there are other sources of evil besides demons walking Teyvat, namely, the Abyss Order, the Fatui, and the hilichurls, among others. Maybe it doesn't feel the same as exorcising demons which are likely of spiritual rather than physical nature in the Genshin Impact universe, but I feel like fighting these physical baddies will properly give Chongyun a challenge. Has Chongyun thought of that before?
I give an Awesome (8/10).
I am neither religious nor an exorcist. 'Nuff said.
While I admire Chongyun's personal sense of honor by only accepting his usual fee of a few hundred Mora from a rich woman who offered a boatload of gold and jewelry, for me, it's more dishonorable to not accept the gift. Have you ever given a Christmas gift only for it to be rejected out of modesty, not because the gift itself was bad? It feels like wasted hard work. Then again, as a thief, I love money.
I have a mostly neutral mood. While I understand many jokes in comedy shows, I almost never laugh at them. At the very least, I let out a small chuckle.
When talking to my family members, I often respond to their questions with an unenthusiastic tone of voice.
I'm not completely aware of all the things that drive me to Amber levels of enthusiasm, but dating is one of them.
Also, I'm more heat-resistant than cold-resistant. I can jog for about 10 minutes under a sunny sky.
I give a 1/10.
Alyanna: Or perhaps if the rich woman insisted on him accepting it then he could have donated them to those who really need it just to appease his nerves and uneasiness of accepting such a grand payment for a service he considers as a mere thing.
Husbando Value
Chongyun feels like a high-maintenance husbando. I can't even take him out of a building during the day, especially considering the Philippines is a tropical country.
Like me, he dislikes quarrels, though like in any relationship, disagreements can occur. I'm nervous about heating him up by accident while debating on an important life decision.
Actually, can I even make romantic advances towards Chongyun in the first place? After all, they say romance is heartwarming. Thank goodness it's not officially stated whether or not Chongyun is interested in romance.
I give a 1/10.
Side Note
The "yun" in "Chongyun" (重云) is what makes me think his name is the hardest to pronounce among the Liyue characters. Although I am half-Chinese, I know nothing about the Chinese language.
Theater Mechanicus
As far as I know, Marvelous Merchandise, Moment of Syzygy, Seize the Day (and its variants May Fortune Find You and Outland Gastronomy), and Test Run are the only events that have had re-runs. All of them are relatively simple with little to no story, or in the case of Moment of Syzygy, is basically just a reminder for the player to do the Spiral Abyss.
That said, 1.4 surveys have asked players if they are interested in re-runs of major events like Contending Tides (the hilichurl battle arena).
I feel like we won't have a re-run of Theater Mechanicus in a long time, especially with the boatload of events and Inazuma coming. This gives miHoYo plenty of time to fix the Shatter bug which allowed characters to directly deal damage.
Chongyun was one of the best characters in Theater Mechanicus because of this bug.
However, in a hypothetical re-run, he's the closest we have to a Cryo catalyst. He is...bad at this job because, #1, towers don't attack as quickly as characters, therefore making the Shatter problem worse; #2, Pyro Mechanici launch projectiles slowly in an arc instead of a straight line, making them the tower defense equivalent of Stormtroopers; #3, many towers like the Cryo, Electro, Hydro, and Pyro ones can hit multiple targets while Physical Mechanici are only single-target, meaning Superconduct is not very useful.They fixed the Shatter bug in Version 2.0. Additionally, I pulled Ayaka, so she was my "Cryo catalyst". And...Pyro towers aren't so Stormtrooper-y this time when upgraded to rain fireballs from the sky.
Voice Acting
One VRChat player heard me voicing Bennett and said I sound more like Chongyun, including my real voice.
This 5★ character has not been featured in any Character Event Wishes.
Diluc is all about hitting things, hitting things, and hitting even more things. His Elemental Skill is similar to Bennett's in that he performs up to 3 flaming slashes. His 40-Energy Elemental Burst summons a phoenix that damages foes in a wide line and makes Diluc's Normal Attacks inflict Pyro damage. Plain, simple, yet devastating.
I give an Awesome (8/10).
YoSquid: Amazing.
WARNING: Contains major spoilers. Do not read until you've completed Diluc's Story Quest.
I admit I read Diluc's entry on TV Tropes and read the manga before playing his in-game Story Quest, but still, even if I didn't, I imagine I could easily tell upon playing his story how ridiculously similar Diluc is to Batman. And that's coming from someone who has little knowledge about the actual Batman. Watching
Teen Titans Go! and MandJTV's Pokémon Talk #26 "
Zubatman" helped me learn some of the basic details of Batman.
Let's break down these similarities.
Batman | Diluc |
A.K.A. the Dark Knight | A.K.A. the Darknight Hero |
Crazy-Prepared in so many ways | Crazy-Prepared to the point he had Dawn Winery employees cover for Diluc in case the Knights of Favonius look for him |
Parents killed by a mugger | Father killed by his use of a Delusion*, a Fatui device, while fighting a tough "monster" |
Peak physical strength | Regularly fights the Abyss Order and Fatui by himself, on top of being a powerful DPS |
Rich philanthropist | Rich winery owner |
Uses batarangs | Uses throwing knives in the manga |
Vigilante | Former Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius turned vigilante |
*Possibly inconsistent with Kaeya's story and the manga which say Diluc killed his father to save him from the agony of the Delusion backfiring.
Putting the Batman similarities aside, Diluc is a man who is extremely dedicated to his goals and ideals.
I give an Amazing (9/10).
YoSquid: Batman.
Obviously, I'm nowhere near as rich, smart, or strong as Diluc in real life (even my Author Avatar would be no match), but like with Chongyun, let's tone things down to a more average Joe level.
My mom owns our family store, similar to how Diluc's father was the former owner of the Dawn Winery.
At 20 years old, I think I was the youngest person to defeat my boxing trainer, Coach G-Force. Multiple times. Diluc was the youngest Cavalry Captain at 14 years old.
As for smarts, does my excessive Hytale planning count?
I give a 7/10.
Husbando Value
Considering Mark Manson's Law of
Fuck Yes or No, Diluc is obviously a Fuck No, given that, despite being regularly introduced to other young girls, he remains single. This line is so appropriate: "We'd much rather Master Diluc stays married to the winery, given how good this wine is!"
But putting that aside, Diluc is Tall, Dark, and Handsome. He's so tall that he can simply walk on ponds that medium-height characters like the Traveler have to swim in, he wears black like Batman, and that hair and face are, for the sake of simplicity, pleasing.
Keep in mind that, when talking about husbandos, I roleplay a gender-flipped version of myself. I am actually indifferent towards a girl's height.
But...screw it. The Law of Fuck Yes or No is far more important. Easy 1/10.
YoSquid: If you want to marry Batman, then here you go.
Side Note
I feel like there should be more muscle bulging from Diluc's KFC outfit, considering how similar he is to Batman and how strong he is in-game and in lore. His arms are a little barer than his normal outfit.
This 4★ character was featured in the Invitation to Mundane Life Event Wish.
Favonius Warbow Lv. 80/80
Exile (4)
6 (+1)
I gambled my last several Intertwined Fates in the Farewell of Snezhnaya Event Wish hoping to get Diona while bracing myself in case I get a duplicate Beidou or Ningguang or a weapon instead. I was pleasantly surprised and I'm thankful that I got Diona and Razor.
I simply felt like trying to "catch 'em all" before the Event Wish featuring Zhongli.
Beidou and Xingqiu were technically the first non-Geo characters able to shield themselves with a non-Geo element (without constellations such as Kaeya's), but their shields work differently from Crystallize shields and Noelle's shield: Beidou's only works while holding down the Elemental Skill button and expires when destroyed or upon releasing the button, while Xingqiu's can't No-Sell.
The shield produced by Diona's Elemental Skill is more akin to Geo characters' shields, but of course, Diona's is made of Cryo. Not only is it helpful in the top floors of the Spiral Abyss which have Cryo foes since non-Geo shields protect better against attacks of their own element (for example, Cryo shields work best against Cryo attacks), but with Passive Talent 1, it also reduces Stamina consumption and increases movement speed, making it a whole lot easier to move around, both in exploration and in combat. When adding Diona and Kaeya into my Darting Blow team, I imagine I'm The Flash. (Kaeya runs faster and can sprint-jump a long distance because of his tall height, while his Passive Talent 3 reduces sprinting Stamina consumption.)
Diona's Elemental Burst can substitute for Chongyun's Elemental Skill if the player is not looking for a main DPS for the Cryo element. It continuously deals AoE Cryo damage to enemies while healing player characters.
I enjoy pairing Klee with Diona. Quickly hitting an enemy with a Cryo arrow before using Klee's Charged Attack deals massive Melt damage. I think the highest damage I've dealt in a single Melt is 22,000. (This was a critical hit; normally, I get 9,000.)
I give a Pretty Cool (7/10).
I agree with Diona that being drunk ruins people's (especially drivers') lives, but I wouldn't go out of my way to "slay" the alcohol industry. I sometimes hear good things about alcohol; there is such a thing as "drinking responsibly", after all.
Thankfully, none of my family members drink a lot of alcohol. I, in particular, estimate I drink it once every 6 months. Heck, the only time I drank wine in 2020 was on Christmas...and I HATED the taste so much I almost vomited on my big brother's house's floor.
I'm decent at archery, being able to consistently hit 8's and 9's from 21 feet away with my recurve bow. However, I haven't tried hunting and I'm honestly scared of killing anything that isn't a cockroach, fly, or mosquito.
I give a 3/10.
Waifu Value
Among the loli characters (Diona, Klee, Paimon, and Qiqi), Diona feels the most adult-like to me. She doesn't act or look like a child to me, unlike the other three whose round heads have some degree of child-likeness.
However, Diona IS a child in-universe, considering we see an adult version of her species in her father, Draff.
Therefore, Diona goes to jail.
Side Notes
While It's Warm
Diona is extremely useful for the While It's Warm event where the player delivers meals with time and mobility restrictions including not gliding, sprinting, or being affected by an element. With the aforementioned Darting Blow + Diona and Kaeya team, the player can move quickly without needing to sprint. Diona's shield also helps the player No-Sell those Hilichurl Shooters' attacks; I saw a
meme where Hilichurl Shooters are
normally blind, but in While It's Warm, they become elite snipers.
Dragonspine and Snezhnaya
Many Dragonspine enemies use Cryo attacks, so Diona's shield is extremely useful for this...uh, sub-region of Mondstadt.
Tartaglia frequently talks about how cold his hometown Snezhnaya is. The Snezhnaya chapter is presumably the second-to-last chapter in the Archon Quests (the true last chapter possibly being set in Khaenri'ah), so players who pulled Diona back in November 2020 or the Xiao Event Wish will likely be very happy they got her. I'm honestly shocked at how good Diona is in the long-term.
I do not have this character.
This 5-star character is featured in the Born of Ocean Swell Event Wish.
Eula is the third dedicated physical attacker in the game after Razor (gains Physical DMG Bonus) and Xinyan (has an Elemental Burst that deals physical damage). Eula, however, is currently the best for this role because of her monstrously high base ATK and Normal Attack multipliers, in addition to the immense physical damage caused by her Elemental Burst.
Eula plays similar to Lisa and Razor in that pressing her Elemental Skill powers up her held Elemental Skill. With her Passive Talent 1, upon reaching 2 stacks, she deals additional physical damage. Yes, unlike Razor and Xinyan, all of Eula's abilities can deal physical damage in one way or another.
Eula, for me, plays best as a main DPS thanks to her Elemental Burst and the fact she has to stay in the field for several seconds to drop the foes' Physical and Cryo RES. I prefer to drop Physical RES with Xinyan or the Superconduct reaction, Cryo RES with Chongyun or the Viridescent Venerer artifact set, or both (and all other elements) with Zhongli.
Putting the Eula-friendly event and Spiral Abyss buffs aside, Eula is strange for me in terms of how I predict the future of the Genshin Impact meta. Fatui foes continue to be a huge headache for me, but so is the Geovishap family which resists physical attacks. Inazuma, the Electro nation, is expected to have lots of Electro foes which Eula can easily demolish, but Ruin Machina, which are extremely resistant to physical attacks, are all over Teyvat and are important in the history of Khaenri'ah.
Still, I don't give a firetruck 'cause Razor and Xinyan can carry me, I think.
I give a Pretty Cool (7/10).
Overall, my family is pretty average in terms of reputation. Most strangers I talk to in my neighborhood outside of my store have no idea who I am or who my parents/grandparents are.
Problem is...my paternal grandma is a douche. It has said some horrible things about me, my brothers, and my parents in the past, so I have no real respect for it. I just use it to get my paternal uncle to buy me stuff...but he's unfortunately just as stupid. Kinda like Eula's uncle, he expects me to respect my grandma.
I am quick to forgive small and/or unavoidable mistakes, but big, avoidable mistakes are often enough to make me do what Zhongli does. See his section in part 2 once you complete Chapter I, Act III: A New Star Approaches.
However, I admit that I often hesitate when doing what Zhongli does because I know it's an extreme form of punishment in the real world. After all, since I was a little kid, my CRIT DMG has always been through the roof.
I normally speak in a casual tone, but I can pretend to speak like an aristocrat if I want. After all, if the situation requires it, it is of utmost importance that I conduct myself with the highest form of elegance...and
hopefully not firetruck things up.
However, I still consider myself an ordinary student. I've had a mix of very good and very bad grades in college.
I don't like having my kills stolen in video games, not because I wanted the rewards associated with scoring the kills, but because it makes me feel useless compared to the rest of the team. I plan to make a living out of playing video games and the YouTube viewer market respects skilled gamers.
I give a 4/10.
Waifu Value
Eula's whole "vengeance will be mine" schtick is a major turn-off for me. She literally says it to everyone, even her good friend Amber. Every time I hear it, I just wanna punch her on the side of her chin. I don't care whether she's serious or not.
For me, as bad as Eula's reputation in Mondstadt is, I still think it's a horrible idea to stick to the "tyrannical aristocrat" persona when talking to commoners. After all, I'm sure I'm a commoner in her eyes. I'd rather keep a bad reputation at its current state than make it worse if nothing good can be achieved from it.
Honestly, I feel like the only good things about Eula are her body, dancing, and outfit. Overall, she's a great balance between elegant and sexy, with blue and white placed in all the right places.
Makes me wonder how the heck miHoYo did such an amazing Character Demo. Did they hire a real dancer as a mocap artist? (The hilichurls' dancing was mocapped.) Or was this animated completely manually (like the attack animations as shown in some Honkai Impact 3rd videos)?
I promise though that I tried to look for good qualities in Eula like having her uncle arrested for scheming with the Fatui and plotting to retake Mondstadt, but I'm sorry. The flaws just outweigh the benefits and it's hard for me to believe NPCs when they say Eula is a "good person".
I give a 0/10.
Side Note
Oh, look, another FEH character with the same voice actor.
Shortly before Eula's banner was available for wishing, Fire Emblem Heroes introduced the last member of The Binding Blade's pegasus sisters, Juno, also voiced by Suzie Yeung.
Good thing she's available as a 4-star Focus. I pulled for Guinivere only because of Venti, and I wanna do the same for Juno. Gotta catch all the FEH characters voiced by Genshin Impact VAs!
I mean, Guinivere helped power my Venti ritual which let me get him in just 1 pull.
RIP Nacho's Luck
After we successfully pulled Venti together, we told ourselves we'll save for the Cocogoat.
...Kind of. Nacho saw Eula and was instantly hypnotized by her hotness. He skipped Zhongli for Eula...and got C1 Keqing.
HOW!? I mean...YouTubers' luck is finally turning around after the fiascos with the Staff of Homeless, Rosaria, and Yanfei! We're getting Eulas and Songs of Broken Pines (a.k.a. Songs of Broken Wallets) all over the place!
I don't know if I'm allowed to publicly announce what's making Nacho so busy these days, but let's just say this is an example of the
Hard Work Fallacy.
Eula, like Tartaglia, is a character with two popular ships: Eula x Amber and Eula x Yanfei. Eula is canonically friends with both characters.
I think you'll be surprised why I ship Eula and Amber.
Because I want people to stay the heck away from mah girl Sucrose.
I don't have any problems with people who ship Eula and Yanfei, though. I admit I mainly like them because of their outfits.
Besides, I can always drown Amber myself.
This 4★ character was obtainable for free in the Unreconciled Stars event.
Level | Weapon | Artifact Sets | Max HP | ATK | DEF | Elemental Mastery | Constellation Level |
71 | Prototype Crescent Lv. 72/80 | Berserker, Instructor | 10911 | 1585 | 577 | 162 | 6 |
Fischl is a pleasantly simple support character. Her Elemental Skill summons Oz, a raven who constantly attacks one foe at a time with Electro. Casting it within melee range inflicts Electro immediately as well. (I know Oz's summoning location can be aimed but I'm too lazy to do so and it leaves Fischl vulnerable.)
Her Elemental Burst transforms her into Oz, electrocuting foes that Oz runs into. It's mainly for spreading Electro rather than raw damage, though it can also be used for tactical positioning since Oz moves fast and can pass through foes.
Fischl's drawback is that her Elemental Skill mainly inflicts chip damage as opposed to other characters' heavily damaging Elemental Skills.
I give a Pretty Cool (7/10).
Anyway, if you're wondering why my Fischl is buffed up like crazy, it's because I raged the first time I fought the final boss at the end of the Liyue story and I needed a powerful ranged attacker to keep my distance and end the fight quickly so I don't get stressed too long.
Constellation Lv. 1 lets Fischl become a solid ranged DPS character. I plan to use her as a long-term Electro DPS character since I want to keep my focus on Klee and Tartaglia.
Fischl's story, overall, is of a child's fantasy dreams come true. She grew up reading fantasy novels and wanted to be like her hero, Princess Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort. (The playable Fischl's real name is Amy.)
Some of Fischl's translated quotes are ones I didn't expect, such as "echoing in the abyss of time, the burning winds of the old, all of which shape the spire forgotten in the torrents of karma" meaning "Stormterror's Lair".
I can translate a handful; my wild guess is "The threads of your fate lie in my hands" means "I'm gonna kill you" (for enemies) or "I'll keep you safe" (for allies).
I give a Pretty Cool (7/10).
Why do I work out and practice the bow, fists, and spear? Because I want to be strong like video game characters.
Why do I regularly use gaming terms in everyday speech, including when I teach boxing? Because I love gaming. (When I visualize words in my brain as I talk, I use "rekt" instead of "wrecked".)
Yes, I act like a ninja sometimes...even though I'm not.
Too bad my mom hates it when I call myself "LunaticTactician" or "LT".
As for novels...I currently don't have any role models from novels.
If equating Fischl's love for fantasy novels to my love for gaming, I give a 9/10. Otherwise, I give a 3/10.
Waifu Value
This is not up-to-date with Unreconciled Stars. I have yet to re-read the Fischl lore.
I'm not a fan of the outfit. Fischl has asymmetry written all over her, from the top of her head to her arms to her legs.
I imagine, whether or not I'm romantically interested in Fischl, she would regularly tell me, "Thou shall do well to honor me, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung!" She even told Oz to spy on Stormterror with Oz declining out of fear of getting killed.
I give a 1/10...and I don't regret it because of the sexual Fischl fan art I frequently see.
With permission from my good Singaporean friend NachoPizza, he told me that Fischl is his #1 waifu because, in his own words, he's a "sucker for emo goths."
I admit though that the reason I guessed was different. She wears a skintight outfit with dark translucent parts similar to
Fire Emblem Awakening Dark Mages.
I have big trouble roleplaying Fischl, especially when it comes to balancing her usual chuunibyou personality with her more vulnerable "normal person" side.
I do not have this character.
This 5★ character was featured in the Adrift in the Harbor Event Wish.
Ganyu's huge Elemental Burst AoE, combined with constant Cryo application, make her a powerful Diluc/Klee slave (even though Alec John has
stated this is not what Ganyu was designed to do).
Ganyu has a unique Aimed Shot that charges up to two levels, with the second level dealing AoE Cryo damage.
While Aimed Shots are inherently slow, Ganyu makes up for it with her Mona-like Elemental Skill which taunts foes and continuously inflicts Cryo damage on them. In case foes attack Ganyu anyway, I recommend pairing her up with a shield-generating character like Zhongli or Noelle.
The funny thing about Ganyu's Aimed Shot is it works similarly to rocket launchers in first-person shooters. Even if you have Stormtrooper aim, the explosion actually deals more damage than the arrow's impact. Gacha Gamer pointed out that, to maximize Melt damage on Pyro-inflicted foes, do not directly hit your intended target, but hit the ground near the target. (I used to make the mistake of thinking the AoE damage only occurs if the arrow hits a valid target like an animal, breakable object, or enemy.) As such, my nickname for Ganyu is neither "Cocogoat" nor "Cryo Amber", but "Cryo Rocket Launcher".
Heck, Ganyu is arguably the best ice bridge maker because she does not rely on an Elemental Skill to make bridges. (Diona can do the same, but her bridges are super tiny and last very short.)
Given that miHoYo is heavily favoring a Cryo/Geo meta with Zhongli, Albedo, Ganyu, Rosaria, and Eula, the presence of several Cryo and Geo-related Spiral Abyss buffs over the months, and the Inazuma teaser in the 1.5 livestream, I think Ganyu will remain a must-have and top-tier main DPS for months, if not years, to come. Sumeru (Dendro) is where Ganyu may be meh (assuming we don't get more Dendro reactions) while Snezhnaya (Cryo) is likely the only region Ganyu will be poor in. As such, since I pulled a Venti in his re-run and a Diluc in Tartaglia's re-run, Ganyu is the next character I'm saving for.
I give a Pretty Cool (7/10).
As far as I remember, Ganyu doesn't do much in the Liyue story other than inviting the Traveler to the Jade Chamber. I'll mainly talk about her Story Quest.
Her story revolves around her identity crisis as a half-adeptus, half-human. She doesn't like living the life of an adeptus because she craves human interaction like a normal human, but even while living among humans, she still feels lonely because humans don't interact with her much, especially given that, at the climax of the Liyue story, the adepti almost went to war against the Liyue Qixing and threatened to destroy Liyue Harbor.
The story started with the Traveler urging Ganyu to return to Liyue Harbor and resume her Qixing duties, but she insisted she wanted to feel like an adeptus again, so she trained herself. During training, a human named Xin Cheng thought of Ganyu as a fake adeptus after Ganyu gave him advice, so for me, she was like, "Screw humans hating on me! Let's go back and I'll show them I can do good for them." (Better than having a reputation as bad as Reckless Pallad's, I guess.)
Much of the story at Liyue Harbor was a boring and nerve-wracking tax evasion plot, so let's talk about the fun parts instead.
While recovering documents to prove tax evasion, the gang saw a Fatui member and thought he was plotting something with those documents. After the gang beat him up, he was like, "I only came to Qingce Village to pick berries 'cause I was bored! I swear!" Needless to say, I burned him alive with the Terrorist Loli.
Turns out the building containing the documents was just sacked by hilichurls. Dang it. My first thought was Treasure Hoarders, given the statements of the owner. Did miHoYo intentionally want the player to think Treasure Hoarders took over the building?
The story ends with the Traveler, Ganyu, and another Yuehai Pavilion member, Huixin, eating at Xinyue Kiosk. Ganyu and Huixin discussed how Ganyu adopted her "your enemy knows you best" strategy from Huixin's father, as well as Huixin having Ganyu as a role model.
For the first time in probably thousands of years, Ganyu has truly felt connected with humans at this point, knowing that she has inspired someone. She resumed her work with the Qixing afterward. Yay, happy ending!
I give an Awesome (8/10).
No Qiqi cameo, though. rip.
What if Sucrose expressed curiosity about Ganyu's horns in front of Ganyu?
My nickname for Ganyu's voice actress, Jennifer Losi, is "
Sacred Stones Girl" because she
played Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones when she was a kid. She also voiced Tethys in
Fire Emblem Heroes.
Chongyun--I mean his voice actor Beau Bridgland--even
begged for Tethys after having a hard time getting Halloween Ilyana. (Peony and regular Ilyana didn't exist yet when "Chongyun" Tweeted this.)
I think I currently don't suffer from an identity crisis. I think having Asperger's syndrome is not the cause of my social life being "better" or "worse" than normal people's, especially considering I've had success with just being myself to others, even if I don't play Mobile Legends or engage in the latest trends or whatever.
Rather, how "good" or "bad" my social life is depends on my actions. There are people I'm willing to risk life and limb for...and others whose lives and limbs I'm willing to break.
Ganyu's hobby being work is a lore detail that was part of a code that gave 50 Primogems. Being Brilliant, but Lazy, I prefer paying jobs that use my current interests and skills.
As for secretary work, I hate paperwork, especially the physical kind. Do you know how hard it is to carry stacks of paper around? Do you know how much more money it costs to buy physical storage than an external hard drive? Don't even get me started with the lack of the ability to do Ctrl+F.
Government appointments, forms, and requirements are EXTRA nerve-wracking for me.
I like how Ganyu remains chill (no pun intended) even while threatening to continue beating the Fatui member up and charging the owner of Second Life with tax evasion.
I can stay chill while at work because I'm used to maintaining professional behavior, but when it comes to self-defense, my Hair-Trigger Temper is at full force.
I give a 2/10.
Waifu Value
Considering her hobby is work and she's got super stamina due to being a half-adeptus, it's no surprise that Ganyu works a LOT of hours. Three Qixing secretaries stand NO chance against the humungous amount of work Ganyu does every day.
I imagine Ganyu would be a wise yet gentle mentor to her hypothetical boyfriend/husband while also being receptive to criticism and others' opinions. She even said to the Fatui member something around the lines of "if you have a problem with my conduct, please speak to my superiors."
Ganyu is also a pure vegetarian so I can hog all the meat to myself...unlike Beidou.
Note that I don't plan to get married or have kids so I don't care about the Cocogoat memes when judging Ganyu as a waifu. I will admit though that I've seen fan works of Ganyu breastfeeding Qiqi...and they're cute, especially given Ganyu's motherly personality.
I give a 2/10.
Side Note: Fire Emblem Heroes Ganyu-inspired Build
Note that I don't actually have this build. This was created using fehstuff.com.
Unfortunately, Tethys has a pathetically low base Atk, but oh well. I care more about matching the Cocogoat here than making a viable unit.
Barb Shuriken and Iceberg were chosen because Ganyu fires off powerful Aimed Shots much faster than other Genshin characters can spread Cryo. Good thing Tethys has high Res.
Ganyu dashes backward when she uses her Elemental Skill, which is why I gave this Tethys Draw Back instead of Dance.
Ganyu's Elemental Burst grants Cryo DMG Bonus, which is why I gave Tethys Joint Hone Atk.
Alternatively, Time's Pulse can be used to fire off Tethys's first Special faster.
Everything else is designed to stack her Atk and deal as much damage as possible.
Hu Tao
I do not plan to get this character.
This 5★ character is featured in the Moment of Bloom Event Wish.
I've seen people call Hu Tao "Pyro Tartaglia + Xiao" considering her Elemental Skill sacrifices her HP to inflict Pyro damage with her Normal Attacks. It's a fair argument, though there are differences besides element and weapon type (with Tartaglia becoming more sword-like).
Hu Tao often has a much shorter effective cooldown for her Elemental Skill. Compared to C0 Tartaglia which lasts for up to 30 sec. but has a cooldown of 6-45 sec., Hu Tao's lasts 9 seconds and has a cooldown of 16 sec., effectively giving her a 7-sec. cooldown. Like Tartaglia, though, Hu Tao is very weak without her Elemental Skill due to having the lowest base ATK in the game--even lower than Barbara. At least Tartaglia can continue inflicting big damage with his Aimed Shots in Co-Op.
For Xiao, on the other hand, Hu Tao benefits from having low HP because her Elemental Burst heals her more and deals more damage when HP <=50%. Xiao does not benefit from low HP.
Though on the surface, Hu Tao's Charged Attack is standard for polearm wielders, it works differently with her Elemental Skill active. I'm not sure if the Blood Blossoms (which deal damage over time) are good, but the main reason I think it's useful is it has no startup lag, unlike Xiangling.
To be honest, the main reason I wasn't hyped for Hu Tao the character is I already have a very strong Klee who can constantly inflict huge Pyro damage, unlike Hu Tao who eventually goes on cooldown. Klee can also target more weaknesses than Hu Tao.
One advantage Hu Tao has over Klee, however, is self-healing and interruption resistance, so Hu Tao is more effective at solo combat than Klee who is more reliant on healing and shields.
The only reason I was hyped for Hu Tao's announcement was that, to me, it was an indicator that Version 1.4 is fast approaching. The Developer Discussion mentioned a question about increasing the Condensed Resin cap to 4, which is exciting because I have to play fast so I can get back to work. also plz rerun venti (intentional bad grammar)
I give a Pretty Cool (7/10).
Oddly, I've seen Hu Tao builds that deal over 1 million Melt damage, yet I'm still not convinced to get Hu Tao. Ganyu's numbers are nowhere close, but she successfully hypnotized me into wanting her in case of a re-run.
Chongyun and Kaeya simply don't suit my play style in terms of the main DPS role. Ganyu and Klee, however, do.
But NachoPizza though. His Hu Tao can deal 50k damage even though he hasn't advanced as far into the game as I have! My Klee only reaches 20k!
Long before Hu Tao was announced, we knew from voiced lines that a lot of Liyue characters generally dislike Hu Tao's trolly personality.
Qiqi, in particular, HATES Hu Tao because Hu Tao wants to bury the zombie. (Ironically, I saw a
meme of Qiqi in Wuwang Hill begging Hu Tao to bury her, complete with a wallet and a briefcase full of Intertwined Fates.)
Hu Tao's Story Quest heavily focuses on her more professional side, though, with chunks of lore almost as thick as Zhongli's head. She sounds like a greedy businesswoman at first when she advertises Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's services to the Traveler, Adventurers' Guild, and Wangsheng employee Meng's friends, but as the story goes on, she is shown to genuinely respect the lives of others.
A guy named Luocheng came to Hu Tao complained about demons haunting him, with Meng suspecting it's the ghost of his long-dead childhood friend, Big G, who might have turned evil. As part of a prank to calm Luocheng down, the Traveler defended a Ley Line Monolith from hilichurls, with Hu Tao saying it's an exorcism ritual or something. Turns out there was no actual demon infestation. Big G eventually met up with them, and he's not evil. Yay!
The rest of the story focused on the Traveler helping Meng and his friends get parting gifts for Big G, then going to the border between life and death to offer those gifts. In particular, the Xiao Lantern gift hit me with the feels the hardest because the Lantern Rite recently ended after Hu Tao's announcement, and Xiao Lanterns represent the wishes of the people of Liyue.
I'll be honest, though: It took me 4 tries to figure out the puzzle in that domain. I had to take the spirit, go around the looping path, pick up another spirit, then activate the mechanisms. (I didn't look at a guide, by the way.) Unlike the Dragonspine puzzles, this one, for me, was an example of Guide Dang It!
On the bright side, I kept forgetting to do the "5 Elemental Bursts within 15 seconds" achievement whenever new characters were announced. I finally got it in Hu Tao's Story Quest.
I give a Pretty Cool (7/10).
Hu Tao is voiced by Brianna Knickerbocker, just like Est, Ninian, and Sakura in Fire Emblem Heroes.
I don't think Hu Tao is an Est archetype character, though. (In TV Tropes, the Crutch Character trope played by Amber and Lisa is also called the "Jagen Archetype" while the Magikarp Power trope played by Noelle is also called the "Est Archetype".)
Also, I think Little Wu, one of Meng's friends, is voiced by Patrick Seitz. He sounds like Bob from the Tekken games.
See Kaeya's Similarity section for my pranking ability. In general, though, I often do harmless pranks for fun and usually target friends, family, and enemies, unlike Kaeya who also trolls his fellow knight Klee.
I've never done a prank for a good purpose, though.
Family members often see me as a crazy person, given that I practice voice acting a lot and act very lovey-dovey towards my niece.
Again, when interacting with strangers or I need to be professional, I am hecka professional to the point of looking like Diluc. Hu Tao, on the other hand, seems to remain jolly even while sounding like Zhongli.
However, I am not into ghosts or funerals or any of that spooky stuff. Hu Tao's Character Teaser didn't scare me...but it sure scared Mtashed.
I admit Five Nights at Freddy's still scares me, though.
I give a 3/10.
Waifu Value
For this section, I'll assume Hu Tao is legally a normal human adult. (There are no theories about Hu Tao being of a different species, as far as I know, but I put this just to be safe.)
I have a somewhat bad impression of Hu Tao, especially since my younger brother is a prankster and I have watched cartoons like Tom and Jerry.
Her "Good morning" line has the line "while those late to bed I shall forewarn~". Sorry, Hu Tao, but I like sleeping late at night.
But...I admit, much of Hu Tao's appearance is hypnotic. The face, man! The long, straight hair! The mostly bare legs! And...they just had to show her...backside!
Honestly, I feel like punching Hu Tao because of her appearance, but I wouldn't do it. Unlike Bennett, Keqing, Rosaria, and Xiao, Hu Tao is overall harmless. (Unless you attack her first, of course.)
I give a temporary 1/10.
Side Note
That Japanese Man Yuta convinced me to watch Teasing Master Takagi-san for me to practice Japanese. I understood little without subtitles, but I was still able to appreciate the story.
Why did I put this here? Because Takagi-san is voiced by Rie Takahashi, just like Hu Tao. I compared their voices, and holey moley, they sound so similar.
I know the Megumin memes, but I feel like Takagi-san is a closer match.
In English, though, she's voiced by Kayli Mills, just like two characters I hate who are from different games. See the Keqing section.
Dang. I was scanning for similarities to Brianna Knickerbocker.
Also, in season 2 episode 1, my inner English tutor cringed at some of the minor grammar errors in the English textbook. However, I would let it slide if real-life English textbooks in Japan really are like that if the animators are aiming for realism rather than English accuracy.
I do not have this character.
This 5★ character is featured in the Wanderlust Invocation Standard Wish.
The first thing that comes to my mind when thinking about Jean's combat is Super Smash Bros. Why? Because her offensive fighting style revolves around knocking foes around the battlefield, just like how Smash involves knocking foes out of the stage. "Say goodbye, punk!"
Jean has a unique Charged Attack for a sword wielder. Unlike most sword wielders whose Charged Attacks hit twice in a wide AoE, Jean's knocks a foe up and leaves it suspended in mid-air for a few seconds.
I notice players like to spam it mainly for the heavy damage on light infantry foes or to stop a large foe from moving. Some players use it before Jean's Elemental Skill to get a quick head start; the Charged Attack lifts foes faster than her Elemental Skill.
Speaking of Jean's Elemental Skill, Gale Blade, if her Charged Attack is her up smash, then this is her forward smash. Its main use seems to be knockback rather than raw damage, making it ideal to tell light infantry foes standing near a cliff or a deep body of water to firetruck off. ("Light infantry" in this series refers to on-foot foes that can always be knocked back by regular attacks. Light infantry foes include small hilichurls, some Treasure Hoarders, and all slimes, but not Fatui members and Whopperflowers.)
Though it's risky since Jean herself can be knocked off, she can lure melee foes to the edge of the battlefield in some Domains by also going to the edge. Suck 'em in with Gale Blade then send 'em to the H-word.
I just don't like how aiming it consumes stamina. As such, for heavy Anemo damage, I prefer to use Sucrose or the Traveler (or mah boi Venti if I ever get him).
Her Elemental Burst supports her knockback style since foes who enter or leave the field take Anemo damage. I learned a technique of forcing foes to take Anemo damage by using Gale Blade to weave foes in and out of the Dandelion Breeze field then launching them, inflicting fall damage.
It can also heal allies, but it suffers from the limitations shared by other Elemental Bursts, on top of its high Energy Cost of 80, so it's not the most reliable healing ability. However, it's the best for cleansing elemental debuffs because it does not inflict damage or another debuff, unlike, say, Barbara and Xingqiu who can freeze themselves.
(Imagine if we get a cleanser who is Geo. Free Crystallize shields.)
Upon unlocking her first Passive Talent, Jean turns into a lazy healer with a 50% chance to heal each time she simply lands a Normal Attack on a foe. It scales with her ATK too, making me want to turn Jean into a hulking DPS if I ever get her.
I give a Pretty Cool (7/10).
Jean's childhood background looks typical of someone who would eventually become a general, I think. But screw all that knight stuff! Let's look into something...more interesting.
The Knights of Favonius is an organization that constantly tries to maintain a good reputation, and with Acting Grand Master Jean around, that good reputation will stick around for really freaking long. Unlike your typical law enforcement or military organization which mainly works behind-the-scenes outside of combat, Jean is the kind of person whose constant presence among the people of Mondstadt reassures them, even to the point of helping with relationship issues.
This way, she kind of reminds me of
Akane Toriyasu, a Student Council member in
Yandere Simulator who regularly patrols the school's club rooms, looking for students to help.
But hey, despite her constant desire to help others, she also has a strong sense of justice. The
Knights of Favonius Handbook - 5th Edition has a bunch of notes from Jean specifically applicable to the time the game is set in, including deducting the salaries of knights who make Noelle do their dirty work.
I give a Pretty Cool (7/10).
Jean's role in the Knights of Favonius is very similar to the role I take for my friends. I do more than just tactical planning for video game battles--whenever a friend opens up their life problems to me, I act like a psychotherapist. Disclaimer: I am not a psychotherapist.
Before the pandemic, when I was in the streets, I looked for opportunities to help others, whether it's by picking up a ball that went out of bounds or pushing shopping carts scattered in parking lots to a proper cart "parking" area.
Now, I can't do many of those because a fucking virus is on the loose! I don't dare get in trouble with the law in a time where it's easier than ever to detect and investigate crime!
I have overworked myself before while helping friends. It's likely related to how inert I am--when I put my mind into something like fitness, game development, or school work, it's difficult for me to stop. Similarly, it's hard for me to fall asleep, and when I do, I have a hard time waking up.
I made a promise to myself that I will always be available for my friends if they call for me.
However, the reason I told myself that is what Mark Manson would likely call "needy". Like many of the girls I see on Facebook Dating who want someone who doesn't
ghost, I get ghosted often or at least had conversations that were very short and were interrupted abruptly by who-knows-what. I vowed to myself that I won't be like the people who ghost me. I will set an example that others can learn from.
Also, if I interpreted her story correctly, Jean helps others simply because it is the knightly thing to do.
I help others mainly for selfish reasons, usually for fun or a better reputation.
I give an 8/10.
Waifu Value
You can't talk about Jean as a waifu without talking about those Painted-On Pants. I won't deny they're attractive to look at, especially because I like girls who wear white. But that's all I'll say to avoid being too NSFW.
In contrast to Diluc, Jean is a big Fuck Yes. After all, "Jean still loves romance novels. Jean simply yearns for the mutual attraction spoken in stories, for those emotions as subtle and fragile as spider-silk." Darn shame that she can't catch a break, given that she has to deal with slacking knights and a kid whose method of having fun is blowing things up.
I imagine Jean is the kind of waifu who would be there for her romantic interest no matter what, especially given that TV Tropes considers Jean a Parental Substitute for Klee.
And hey, she specializes in cooking Mushroom Pizza! I love pizza and mushrooms. She can even potentially double the number of pizza she makes! Good! I could really use more food to power up my body.
Jean seems to be more oriented towards defense than offense, given that she mainly stays in Mondstadt to help the people while Grand Master Varka does the expeditions. I reckon the Knights of Favonius need Jean to keep the organization in order; otherwise, the Knights would collapse under mismanagement. With the Abyss Order and the Fatui threatening Mondstadt, I want to do the offense for Jean and KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!
I give a 9/10.
Besides our contrasting character alignments (Jean, in my opinion, being lawful good while I'm chaotic neutral), the problem with me having Jean as a waifu is how popular she is among the Genshin Impact community. There are probably loads of other guys going after Jean.
I imagine real-life people with a crush on Jean brawling on the marketplace of Mondstadt...including me. I volunteer as tribute.
On second thought, Jean is no longer my waifu. I associate her too much with my mom. In the Golden Apple Archipelago, Jean acts a lot more mother-like to Klee, causing Paimon to almost officially think Jean is Klee's mother.
In addition, Mom looks like she has Jean's body (minus the chest area) and the face of Jean's voice actress, Stephanie Southerland. Both have round faces and protruding cheekbones. Lastly, Mom's summer outfits are modest similar to Jean's summer outfit.
When Mom does something I don't like, I call her "Jean".
I give a 0/10.
Side Notes
Fire Emblem Heroes
It disturbs me that Jean's English voice actress, Stephanie Southerland, is the same as Freyja, the queen of the realm of nightmares in Fire Emblem Heroes...
Freyja made me RAGE in the battle where she first appears.
Theater Mechanicus
Yeah, I honestly didn't expect Jean to be a top-tier character in Theater Mechanicus, the tower defense event in the Lantern Rite. Enemies only take damage from towers but can still be defeated Super Smash Bros.-style by knocking them out of the stage. In the Spiral Abyss, she can also make large hilichurls float with her Charged Attack, but I don't know about Theater Mechanicus because I had a hard time knocking them down with Klee.
Anyway, I compare Jean to the Power Toss Power Up in Plants vs. Zombies 2. It tosses many zombie types (except the huge Gargantuars) out of the lawn.
(Too bad I can't power up my towers with Plant Food...)
This character is obtained for free in the main story.
Level | Weapon | Artifact Sets | Max HP | ATK | DEF | Elemental Mastery | Constellation Level |
80 | Amenoma Kageuchi Lv. 90/90 | Blizzard Strayer (4) | ~19000 | ~2000 | ~800 | 230 | 2 |
Among the starter characters, I think Kaeya is the simplest to play with. His Elemental Skill deals Cryo damage to enemies in a cone-shaped AoE while his Elemental Burst spams Cryo on nearby enemies.
His Normal Attacks are slower than other sword wielders, but his damage multipliers are very high.
Also among the starters, Kaeya benefits the most from constellations, especially C1 and C6. C1 is essential for making Kaeya a strong main DPS because of the 15% increased CRIT Rate. Thanks to Paimon's Bargains now having a consistent rotation of characters (so far), we can expect one Kaeya every 6 months.
Kaeya synergizes extremely well with any team that relies on Cryo, like Chongyun for a main DPS Kaeya team, a Diluc or Klee team for Melt, Razor for Superconduct, and Tartaglia or Xingqiu for permafreezing.
Freezing is where Kaeya shines the most, though, because of his Passive Talent 2 which increases the Energy gained when freezing enemies with his Elemental Skill.
Kaeya got me good in his Story Quest. He plays with the typical RPG player's habit of looting anything and everything by having the Traveler follow a series of "clues" to "treasure" only to lure some Treasure Hoarders into a trap that concludes in them getting arrested by the Knights of Favonius.
Kaeya has "prankster" written all over him. He drinks with bandits and smooth-talks them into giving up information. It's likely why he's got a document filled with Treasure Hoarder member details.
If I see that document, you probably know what I'll do next with it: KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!
I probably should've figured out earlier that Kaeya is
not actually from Mondstadt, given that many Mondstadt characters have either English (Amber, Barbara) or German (Fischl, Klee) names. TV Tropes gave the
Aerith and Bob trope to
Genshin Impact, with Amber and Lisa having "Bob" names and Kaeya having an "Aerith" name. He's actually from Khaenri'ah, sent by his father to Mondstadt for some...unknown mission. Well, that's one reason the man is so secretive.
My opinion might change as Genshin Impact evolves.
I think Kosuke Toriumi's voice suits Kaeya a lot more than it suits Hector in Fire Emblem Heroes. While Kaeya is a little more chill compared to Hector's hamminess, I think Patrick Seitz did a better job illustrating Hector's big bruiser persona. Heh, yes, I'm edgy for sometimes liking the English voice actor more than the Japanese one.
If I allowed myself to rate this solely based on how I felt when Kaeya trolled me, I'd give a 3/10.
But since I want to take this seriously, I give a Pretty Cool (7/10).
Am I trolly? A little, but not as much as Kaeya. I regularly tell my parents I forgot to do a task when, in reality, I did it, and they often fall for my clever use of emotions and words which they are familiar with thanks to how I react when I actually forget to do tasks.
I draw weird stuff like Richard Watterson (the fat rabbit dad from Gumball) on my dad's notebooks (that he likely won't show to his coworkers) using a pencil so he can erase them.
I hate it when people treat me differently because my looks and mannerisms make them think I'm rich, so I whip up fake life backgrounds to make me look like an average Joe. Thankfully, being a small business owner is a very average-Joe job, so there's some truth to my false backgrounds which I can say with a straighter, sometimes stoic face.
But in combat, I prefer to kill my enemies quickly where they stand, whether it's by quietly plunging a dagger into their hearts or by rushing them head-on with my fists. I don't waste time by poisoning food or luring foes into a trap when I'm playing offensively.
If my goal is not to kill my enemies but to laugh at their faces, poison and traps are fair game for me, especially in multiplayer.
I give a 3/10.
Husbando Value
Like Diluc, Kaeya is Tall, Dark, and Handsome--heck, his tall height is yet another advantage to having him as a free starter character.
But considering he's a very secretive troll, I don't trust him to be a good husbando.
I give him a 1/10.
Side Notes
When 1.2 dropped and I got my 36 free Acquaint Fates, I got 2 copies of Kaeya and an Amos' Bow. Predictably, I was DISAPPOINTED! At the time, I used Kaeya as a sub-DPS and I expected Jean.
"I love you!" "I hate you!"
Between my younger brother and I, I'm the former while he's the latter. I used to treat him like a baby when we were younger because I thought he was very cute. He's rude to me now because of all that history, so I retaliate by calling him "cute" again for a while until he stops.
In other words, we alternate between Kaeya and Diluc roles, though I'm more of a Kaeya while he is more of a Diluc. If he trolls me, I troll him back. I'm more evasive with my speech while my brother is stoic and straight to the point.
Kaedehara Kazuha
This character will be featured in Version 1.6.
I have a bad habit of assuming most upcoming 5-stars are bad until a few days after their release. Turns out, Kaedehara Kazuha is freakin' awesome.
Unlike Sucrose and Venti who suffer from the occasional clunkiness of auto-targeting, Kazuha's Elemental Skill damages foes at his position, making it much easier to control. It seems to have roughly the same AoE as Sucrose when pressed and even bigger when held, on top of its short CD of 5s (press)/8s (hold). If you're unlucky with Sucrose constellations and Sacrificial Fragments, Kazuha applies Anemo twice, first by rocketing up with his Elemental Skill then plunging with an Anemo-infused attack that keeps sucking up foes.
His Elemental Burst, I feel, is meh. It simply inflicts Anemo DMG in an area and has no sucking effect.
I know Kazuha has an Elemental DMG Bonus effect when he triggers Swirl, but I don't pay close attention to how the numbers change and just suck up the enemy. I don't like farming artifacts; other material farms give more immediate results.
I give an Awesome (8/10).
Husbando Value
There are many reasons Kaedehara Kazuha is an amazing husbando...at least in my opinion for most girls.
First off, he's a freakin' handsome anime samurai--SO MANY teens and young adults of both genders today are weebs.
Second, he's artistic but not to the nerve-wracking levels of Albedo and Sucrose. He speaks calmly and poetically, for the most part.
Third, he loves traveling to the point that, in the 1.6 livestream, the female VAs wanted to swap out Aether for Kazuha. If I had a drink for every dating profile I saw that mentions traveling, I'd faint.
Fourth and most importantly, he respects his friend so much to the point of trying to reactivate his Vision after his death at the hands of the Raiden Shogun's Musou no Hitotachi. Given how well he's treated by Beidou, I think Kazuha can keep that consistent with a girlfriend or wife.
For me specifically, Kazuha is also great. I act like an RPG adventurer in real life, which I think is something Kazuha will also enjoy. At home, he's great too--I think both of us would have a lot of life experiences to share.
And...no offense to Zach Aguilar, but I like Kazuha's design more than Aether's.
I give an 8/10.
Side Notes
Mark Whitten
As of writing this, I just watched the 1.6 livestream.
Mark Whitten got a little more popular thanks to
Fire Emblem: Three Houses; he voiced
Seteth, the older brother of Flayn. He is famous, not only for doting on Flayn, but also his various sidequests where he says, "I have something to ask of you." Mark Whitten even voiced some
Minecraft-related parodies like Flayn's house getting blown up with TNT and Golden Deer members singing "creeper, aw man".
Can't wait for Seteth-related memes with Kazuha. They didn't happen.
Just don't make Kazuha another Zhongli-like character in terms of giving quests. I'm not giving another mega-fresh Liyue specialty with plenty of history and greater strength.
He's also the voice of Lyon, the prince of Grado in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, who I'm more familiar with.
Lyon gets shipped with Eirika, so let's wait until someone voiced by Kira Buckland comes to Genshin Impact. I would support a ship between Kazuha and Kira Buckland's character.
Kamisato Ayaka
Unlike the other melee Cryo characters Kaeya and Rosaria, Kamisato Ayaka is the most main DPS-focused thanks to her Alternate Sprint granting her a Cryo infusion while having long-cooldown skills.
Her Elemental Burst, in particular, lasts only 5 seconds while Kaeya's lasts 8 (potentially 15 with C2) and both fulfill the role of off-field rapid Cryo application.
Like Kaeya and Rosaria, Ayaka's Elemental Skill is a simple Cryo DMG attack, but I think it's better because it damages foes surrounding Ayaka, meaning it's not affected by the potential auto-targeting problems that Kaeya and Rosaria have in battles against multiple foes and the player can manually
"aim" it. Its downside is its longer cooldown of 11 seconds vs. Kaeya's and Rosaria's 6 seconds.
I give a Pretty Cool (7/10).
too lazy so i'll just give a few words
Kamisato Ayaka's story, not gonna lie, is a cliché story of a noble who wants the simple pleasure of friendship that commoners get to enjoy.
I don't wield strong positions of authority. I'm an English tutor, but that's only known to my students and family members at the moment. I'm a salesman, but that's only known in my neighborhood.
Yet I'm effectively treated like a nobleman because of the sophisticated way I talk. My smart college classmates talk roughly the same way as average Joes who aren't as well-educated, assuming they don't talk about nerdy stuff. However, I often talk in detailed paragraphs rather than simple sentences.
People get intimidated by that because they feel they'll bore me easily.
I also openly brag about my combat skills and admit to my hot temper...which only worsens the intimidation factor. In other words, I'm like the hardest person to make friends with and the scariest when made an enemy.
Most people are more likely to see my hostile and vulgar side, but to people I genuinely respect, I imagine myself to be unexpectedly elegant. For example, if someone tells me a vulgar joke, I would raise my middle finger and tell them to "go to hell", but if someone does something nice for me, I would bow and say, "It is an honor."
Don't ask me to dance in public without training, though. I'm not embarrassed, though; I just don't like wasting people's time.
I give a 2/10.
Waifu Value
Ayaka is honestly one of the most likeable characters in
Genshin Impact, both in-universe and among the fandom. She's beautiful, elegant, Japanese-style, wise, skilled in the combat (badass; liked by men) and performing (cultured; liked by women) arts, and most importantly, super friendly to other people. I personally see her as a role model for real-life girls to live by.
However, if you ask me specifically, I don't like Ayaka as a waifu. I'm not a fan of her hairstyle. More importantly, as a high-ranking member of the Yashiro Commission, being her boyfriend essentially means taking on some of her responsibilities, which I'd be extremely lazy to do. She's also too rich and wise compared to me—I want someone who is roughly equal in "stats" to me.
Ayaka wants a friend, though, and if she offers, I'd be fine with that. There are fewer ethical, moral, and legal restrictions on friendships compared to romantic relationships.
I give a
I do not have this character.
This 5★ character was featured in the Dance of Lanterns Event Wish.
When I think of Keqing's combat, the first thing that comes to mind is the
Fire Emblem series's
Myrmidon, a sword-wielding class that packs high speed and crit rates. Many Myrmidons are recruited with their inventories each containing a
Killing Edge, a sword that greatly increases crit rate. Keqing, on the other hand, gains increased CRIT DMG as she ascends and can increase her CRIT Rate with her Elemental Burst.
Keqing is, for me theoretically, the best character for quickly maneuvering around foes. The final attack of her Normal Attack combo passes through foes while her Elemental Skill essentially allows her to teleport or execute improvised ranged attacks. This is great for staying alive in battles that demand so much movement that they drain stamina.
With her first Passive Talent, Keqing can deal Electro damage with her Normal and Charged Attacks, making her viable as a DPS, especially foes that inherently have an element like most slimes. With elemental support from other characters, Keqing can spam the heck out of Electro-Charged or Overloaded.
I give a Pretty Cool (7/10).
Lots of Genshin Impact fans equate Diluc to Batman, but Keqing has her share of Batman similarities too. Time for another breakdown.
Batman | Keqing |
Crazy-Prepared in so many ways | Crazy-Prepared to the point that she has at least one assistant doing a task at least three years in advance |
Nay-Theist depending on who is writing Batman, according to TV Tropes | Insists that humans should carry their own weight and not rely heavily on the gods |
Rich philanthropist | Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing |
Uses a variety of batarangs that can electrify, explode, be remote-controlled, etc. | Uses an Electro-infused hairpin that works like a grappling hook and knife and can be used to fish and alert Keqing to intruders |
It's not just Batman. To smaller extents, Keqing reminds me as well of Gordon Ramsay and another Genshin Impact character, Jean.
Both Gordon Ramsay and Keqing are called
Consummate Professionals by TV Tropes. Gordon can't stand incompetent chefs, especially those who serve RAW! food, while Keqing has fired all her past assistants before they could even reach 3 months of working with her. Screw it. I'm terrified of Gordon Ramsay but I'd rather work with him than Keqing.
As for Jean, both Jean and Keqing are willing to help with average Joe matters, but for different reasons. Jean simply does it for the joy of helping others while Keqing does it to learn how to make those average Joe jobs easier in the future.
Keqing is an extremely intelligent hard worker and all, but where does all her motivation to work come from? I get the whole aristocratic family thing, but I suppose I'm speaking from the perspective of a guy who basically acts like a gamer version of Xingqiu.
Also, imagine if Visions were real and YouTubers tried to do destruction tests on a Vision. I am weird in that I sometimes laugh when I watch videos of real people destroying things for experimentation or out of rage.
I give an Alright (6/10).
This could go higher if she gets a Story Quest...which she currently doesn't have despite having her own Event Wish. It's been 8 freakin' months!
Anyway, Keqing is voiced by Kayli Mills, the voice of Mareeta, Thea, and Tsubasa in Fire Emblem Heroes.
I thought Keqing would have a deeper voice that screams authority, but when she talks, I imagine Eyvel's adopted daughter way too much.
Speaking of Mareeta, I have a +1 merged Mareeta.
Yet another character with absurd abilities that I should tone down for realism purposes.
Starting with Keqing's Nay-Theism, I dislike the bahala na (in charge) mentality, particularly when God is made to do much (if not all) of the work. I have no problem with others believing in God, but as I've been taught, faith = salvation which leads to good works, so people should do their part as well.
Again, see my
Hytale posts for Crazy-Preparedness. They were made in 2019 and
Hytale releases in 2021 so I've prepared 2 years in advance.
I don't currently have any multi-tools, but in my sling bag, I do bring a boatload of stuff: a scientific calculator, three pens of different colors, some alcohol, anti-itch ointment, and bandages.
I suppose the closest thing I have to a multi-tool is my phone. I even have the Offline Survival Manual by ligi installed in it.
However, my work ethics are nowhere close to Keqing's. I am a very relaxed worker who works at my own pace, slowly but steadily inching towards my goals. Mistakes are annoying for sure, but I don't let those stop me...unless Mom and Dad get angry. When someone I assign to a task makes a mistake, I acknowledge that no one is perfect and there is room for improvement which I calmly point out to the person...
...unless, of course, that person's mistake presses one of my Berserk Buttons, one of them being ghosting on a big project I've planned.
Before I first published this, I wrote this over the course of 3 days. I reckon Keqing can get it done in less than an hour.
I give a 2/10.
Waifu Value
Bennett, Emirichu (because she's a YouTuber with 2.5 million subscribers and a
scary older brother who was a strength and conditioning coach for the U.S. Army), Gordon Ramsay, and Mark Manson (who I imagine to have the Beware the Quiet Ones trope) are among the people I'd avoid making eye contact with if I ever encountered them physically.
Unfortunately for you, Keqing, you've also made the cut.
Okay, that's an exaggeration.
But I agree with Ratheil when he replied to a comment by saying something along the lines of "Keqing is like a boss you don't even work for."
Additionally, she shares the same voice actress as Kuroko Kamenaga, the serious Student Council vice president in Yandere Simulator. I hate all the Student Council members, but Kuroko is in my top 2 (with their leader, Megami Saikou, being top 1).
Easy 0/10.
I know Keqing has her share of real-life male admirers and is shipped with the male Traveler, and I respect those. I admit Keqing's eyes on her in-game model, as well as her lavender and purple outfit, are hypnotizing me... Makes me wanna punch her more...if I can even hit her.
One particular male admirer is NachoPizza again (though he likes Fischl more) who calls Keqing cute. I'm envious of him 'cause he actually pulled both of his waifus (I think he pulled Keqing during the Albedo Event Wish) while I still don't have Jean.
He knows I hate Keqing, but we're still chill with each other.
Nah, Nacho hates Keqing now 'cause she ruined his pity.
Speaking of pity, she destroyed my pity TWICE in BOTH of Sangonomiya Kokomi's reruns.
Side Notes
"Mareeta": Keqing with a Pinch of Sucrose
When "Mareeta" first saw me smashing a table in 2nd-year high school, she approached me out of nowhere. Being the immature little fool I was, I assumed this was an opportunity for a romantic relationship, but it was only this year that I realized that she likely just wanted to study my personality, given that she repeatedly expressed curiosity about my Asperger's syndrome in our later conversations. Suddenly, I have another reason I have a crush on Sucrose...
However, I think she's more like Keqing, though this is mainly fueled by my dislike for Keqing's personality and the things "Mareeta" has done to offend me personally, such as thinking I had a crush on her mom.
I don't know how she interacts with her friends, but judging purely from my own experiences, she strives to excel in her studies and work. She's now working as a UN diplomat and a lot of people, especially boys roughly her age, greatly respect her.
Considering "Mareeta's" speed in boxing, tennis, and track and field, I also imagine her as a Swordmaster. In my Fire Emblem ROM hack, she has the highest Speed growth rate (70%) among all the characters, with me being second (67%) and NachoPizza, a Myrmidon, being third (60%).
I linked to a video just in case this audio gets changed in the future. After all, in 1.5, Diona's Hangout Event lines were voiced by Jackie Lastra, which is why Diona sounded like Xiangling.
Keqing has a normally high-pitched but serious tone of voice. This line, though, sounds like a nerd giving a lecture in a higher-pitched voice...just like Sucrose.
Looks like Keqing officially has a pinch of Sucrose. Oh boy. Now I REALLY feel like fighting.
Even NachoPizza is surprised as heck.
I checked the Twitter accounts of Kayli Mills and Valeria Rodriguez, but none of them mentioned Keqing's line, as far as I know.
This 5★ character is featured in the Sparkling Steps Event Wish.
Level | Weapon | Artifact Sets | Max HP | ATK | DEF | Elemental Mastery | Constellation Level |
81 | Dodoco Tales Lv. 90/90 | Gladiator's Finale, Instructor | 15397 | 2074 | 648 |
| 0 |
To be edited. Klee has been powercrept by Hu Tao.
For a catalyst wielder, Klee has unique Normal and Charged Attacks. Unlike the typical single-target catalyst wielder like Barbara, Lisa, and Sucrose, Klee brings the best of both melee and ranged fighters: AoE Pyro damage for claymore-like crowd control combined with range that allows Klee to keep her distance, especially from the boss at the near-end of the Liyue story. Jump-canceling lets Klee throw bombs very quickly.
The drawback of Klee's Normal and Charged Attacks is they have less accuracy and range than other catalyst wielders, but they don't matter much since Klee can comfortably stay away from melee attackers. The more you use Klee, though, the more you'll get used to her accuracy.
Klee's Charged Attack, in particular, is ridiculously powerful, especially with her Passive Talent 1 which has a chance to grant a buff that increases the attack's damage and removes its high Stamina cost. It's like using a free and spammable Elemental Burst.
It's also one of the very few attacks in the game that can knock down some heavy foes, including lawachurls. (This makes Klee one of the best characters in Theater Mechanicus.)
It can even juggle my least favorite enemy: the Geovishap! Assuming it's not imbued with an element, of course.
Klee's Elemental Skill throws Jumpy Dumpty, a bouncing bomb that scatters mines when it explodes. This makes her capable of support as well since the mines can be forced to touch a target by sucking them in with Anemo skills.
Jumpy Dumpty's bounces have a surprisingly large AoE compared to its 3D model's size, making it ideal for crowd control, killing frozen boars, fighting non-Pyro Abyss Mages, and--this might surprise you--hitting flying foes.
Klee's Elemental Burst, Sparks 'n' Splash, automatically attacks nearby foes, similar to Fischl's Oz, but Klee has to remain the selected character to maintain this effect. It's not much of a problem though since another character can apply another element before Klee uses her Elemental Burst and Klee is already a brutal DPS character.
Unlike Oz's single-target attacks, Sparks 'n' Splash attacks all nearby foes simultaneously. It even hits shielded hilichurls from behind, as well as flying foes!
But it doesn't deal much damage so I mainly use it for dodging. It also doesn't synergize well with Tartaglia, but that's not a big deal.
I'm the kind of player who likes to target a lot of weaknesses when teambuilding, which is why Klee is one of my favorite characters in combat (and why my Pokémon X and Y team has attacks of all 18 types and why some of my Fire Emblem Heroes teams can deal effective damage to armored, cavalry, and flying foes).
For me, Klee is the best Pyro character because she targets three weaknesses consistently, unlike Diluc and Hu Tao who eventually revert to dealing only physical damage. Klee is effective against Cryo, Dendro, and Geo foes. (Only her Plunging Attack does not deal effective damage to Geo foes, but you can damage Geo shields faster with her Jumpy Dumpty. If you wanna plunge, use Xiao.)
Not to mention, Klee is so far my best Pyro character for exploration, being able to set things on fire faster and more reliably than any other Pyro character, especially in Dragonspine where Amber can take too long to fully charge an arrow, Xinyan can be held back by a super long cooldown after combat, and Bennett and Diluc can accidentally kill themselves because of their melee range.
Klee's biggest flaw, however, is her loli height, making her among the slowest-moving characters in the game. It's not that big of a flaw, however, since one can simply switch to a taller character (unless you're doing a solo run or only using lolis). Dodging large AoE attacks with her can be a pain if not perfectly timed or Klee is not shielded.
Overall, Klee is an incredibly versatile and future-proof character. Liyue (and probably the Chasm) is full of breakable Geo stuff, Dragonspine (and possibly Snezhnaya) is full of Cryo enemies, Overloaded spamming might be useful in Inazuma because of its stunlocking ability versus large foes, and Dendro enemies in Sumeru and Hydro enemies in Fontaine may take massive damage. Natlan, the Pyro region, is likely the only region Klee would do poorly in.
Hydro Mimics without Oceanids are becoming increasingly common thanks to the Golden Apple Archipelago and the Spiral Abyss. The boar and ferret, in particular, are weak to Pyro.
I give a Perfect (10/10).
Klee's status as the strongest among the Knights of Favonius is well-deserved.
I wish my niece had big muscles.
But given how skilled and well-rounded her mother, Alice, is, will she power-creep Klee, or will she be mostly different like Albedo is to his assistant Sucrose?
Just like her combat, much of Klee's lore revolves around EXPLOSIONS!!! Let's see... She mods Amber's Baron Bunny to be more explosive, she blew up the Stormbearer Mountains, she helped Razor hunt by blowing up the boars, and she's placed in solitary confinement in the Knights of Favonius HQ when she's not on duty to minimize the risk of unwanted explosions.
Among the child-size playable characters, I think Klee is the cutest. I want to hug her. She has a playful, happy-go-lucky personality.
Her climbing and swimming animations are very cute too. The small yet rapid movement of her arms and legs! Awww...
Too bad the whole explosion thing means she's not a good role model for my niece.
Also, I feel like Klee's English voice alternates between "mature woman" and "little girl". Her "Hello" and "Good morning" lines are cute and child-like, but when she says "What'd I blow up!?" in her "When thunder strikes..." line, I heard a trace of maturity. Her "Least Favorite Food" line sounds like a teenage girl.
I've seen a few live-action clips of Poonam Basu where she spoke like a professional young adult.
I give an Alright (6/10).
Imagine: What if Klee took an Abyss Mage as her captive and played with it like a stuffed toy? The Abyss Mage be like, "Please, please, no more bombs!"
This is a minor detail, but I'm salty about Klee having a hard time pulling a bowstring according to her Windblume Festival reward description because it means she's not physically strong; she's just a powerful arsonist.
And I was calling Klee "muscular" in front of my niece. -_-
Don't get mad, but, upon seeing Poonam Basu's TikTok where she did Klee impressions, I now feel like...hugging Poonam Basu. She has big round cheeks.
I also want her and my niece to play with each other.
I still display childish traits, one of them being a desire for constant instant gratification. That's why I play video games a lot.
While I openly dislike having children. I actually enjoy playing with other parents' children, especially my niece.
I get grounded a lot for either the mischief I cause or my failure to do a task. (But Mom can't ground me anymore from gaming 'cause I now have a job! Mwahahahaha!)
I didn't consider a lot of people "the best" as a kid, but my best guesses are my maternal grandmother, my paternal uncle, my younger brother, and one of my younger cousins who was a toddler at the time.
Right now, I think my mom is the best, but not in a childish way. She's...honestly too hardworking. Like Jean, however, my mom is "also a little bit scary."
In Hytale, arson would probably be my main method of besieging enemy bases (besides charging in with my melee weapons). In Minecraft, flint and steel and lava buckets are cheap while TNT is expensive and redstone machines are even more so.
Arson, I think, can drive enemy units out of their camps, allowing me to take them down one-by-one in open fields in which I fight best in.
I, too, like fluffy things. Like my pillows! And light clothing 'cause I'm a thief! And my niece's cheeks!
I hate crabs, though. I find their taste too strong. I'm also lazy to de-shell a crab.
But I almost never use explosives in first-person shooters since I consider them rare and unreliable. I prefer to kill 'em with good ol' bullets.
I give a 6/10.
Waifu Value
Klee is a child, so she goes to jail.
Side Notes
My Niece
I regularly compare my niece to Klee mainly because they're little girls with extroverted and playful personalities. In the Golden Apple Archipelago, Jean described Klee as being happy to be around people, and the same goes with my niece; she's not afraid at all to say hi to strangers with a wide smile. Whenever she video-calls us or we visit her house, she always does a roll-call, ensuring me, my younger brother, my parents, our cat, and our horse dog are around.
It's no surprise that Klee's quote, "No, I love everyone very much and everyone loves Klee very much," applies to my niece as well.
When she was born, I compared her to the Pokémon Dedenne because of its Nuzzle move where it rubs its electric cheeks on the target. As such, every time I touched my niece's cheeks, I pretended to be shocked.
After pulling Klee, in addition to the shocking, her cheeks now have a fiery and explosive effect, hence an Overloaded reaction.
Unlike Klee, though, my niece is mostly obedient to her parents, as far as I know. She eagerly watches every educational show that her parents tell her to watch. She actively participates in most (if not all) activities in school--most kids just stand there and do nothing during dance parties while my niece dances like crazy with a huge smile. It's just...she eats rather slowly.
The closest thing I can think of to Klee's destructive tendencies is how I play with my niece. When I stand still like a member of the Queen's Guard, she tries to tickle me or tip me over. When I playfully drew weird Genshin Impact stuff for her, she ruined most of them. Somehow, she can pull my tablet out of my hands when I'm using it. (And I've defeated three kids and one trainer in boxing.) And...she presses the buttons on my controller when I play Big Brother's PS3, like a typical little sister. I insult her back, "You piece of (niece's name)!" and hug her in revenge. (Big Brother is not allowing me to reveal my niece's name.)
If I get mega-rich, I would pay for official Genshin Impact summer furnishings in real life, then I'd take my niece to a beach and re-enact Midsummer Island Adventure.
It's too risky to do "Main Cannon, Make Ready, Fire!" on actual water, so I'll just stick to hilichurl camps on land.
Of course, we can rent a boat for "Whirlpool Off to Starboard... Full Speed Ahead!" No hilichurls, though.
Hopefully, I can go to Japan before this dream vacation so that I can get samurai cosplay and pretend to be the Maguu Kenki.
Beach balls can be used for a variety of minigames, including "Main Cannon, Make Ready, Fire!", "Harpastum Bombs Loaded... Blow Them Away!", and Kaboomball Kombat. To keep Kaboomball Kombat simple, I can use any part of my body to bounce the balls back, whether by volleyball-serving, soccer-kicking, or karate-chopping.
I wonder what I should say for the Echoing Conches, though... I don't want to copy the official in-game conches. If my niece finds enough conches (maybe 3), I might give her a cosplay outfit--maybe Qiqi because, at this point, I might have already given her a Klee outfit.
Hopefully, my niece will be old enough at this point to take shots from Nerf blasters. My bow is too powerful, even with suction-cup arrows. I want to roleplay a Hilichurl Shooter--I can't attack with a stick or my fists all the time.
Kujou Sara
Waifu Value
Kujou Sara is weird. She is supposedly strict and very loyal to the Raiden Shogun but she spared the Traveler and Yoimiya when they freed a prisoner who makes fake Visions for Vision bearers to "dodge" the Vision Hunt Decree.
Considering this behavior even to her own Archon, I don't trust this fool to be a good friend, let alone a girlfriend.
As honorable as she is in allowing the Shogunate and resistance armies to do 1v1 fights before duking it out in large-scale combat, I don't trust this (swear word) at all. If I were asked to do a 1v1, I'd position myself so I'd be as close to Kujou Sara as possible while acting like I'm paying attention to my designated opponent, then deliver a
sneak attack to Kujou Sara with a dagger or DDT. See
Combat Pragmatist.
I don't care if she has a large chest area or exposed legs. I also don't like Kujou Sara's face. It's like she's always angry.
I give a 0/10. She has dethroned Rosaria as my worst Genshin Impact waifu.
Thankfully, despite the memes, Kujou Sara doesn't affect my opinion on Xiangling.
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