Sunday, November 15, 2020

Why Haven't I Talked About Hytale in a Long Time?

You're probably wondering why I left the "Hytale-focused blog" subtitle on the top of my blog site. It's because I anticipate I will talk about the game extensively after it comes out in 2021.

But I admit many of my previous posts have almost no Hytale focus. The closest one is my Midori Gurin in Hytale post since I wanted to keep my tradition of being Crazy-Prepared for difficult Hytale enemies like what ThirtyVirus wants, but that's it. Every other gaming post has been about either Yandere Simulator or Genshin Impact.

Within that time period, Hytale released the July 30, 2020 progress update briefly introducing the Mosshorn, a creature I did not expect to take the Hytale community by storm. If I were to equate it to popular Pokémon, the Mosshorn has become the Charizard to the Kweebec's Pikachu. In fact, vol. 4 of the Hytale fan art showcase has three Mosshorn fan works and three Kweebec works.

Yet I feel...largely indifferent about them.
Don't get me wrong--I'm happy about Hypixel Studios's new office in Derry~Londonderry and was fascinated by the landscape generation, among others.
I just feel like there's not much cool stuff for me to say about the recent introductions. Dynamic plant growth feels like nothing new to me and can be intrusive to aesthetics when plants spread to unwanted areas. The postcards feel too similar to stuff we've seen before.

The Mosshorn

People are weird sometimes. Sucrose's Story 2 was right.

Little is known about the Mosshorn other than the following facts:
  • The Mosshorn is a hardy bovine creature.
  • In the July 30, 2020 progress update, it "makes its home in a dank, distant swamp...its neighbors having long since vanished."
  • The Mosshorn's jaws were "made for munching". This description was used as a segway to dynamic plant growth, implying a herbivorous diet.
  • Thomas Frick made the Mosshorn after being instructed to "make one of the ugliest creatures imaginable", according to Noxy.

To me, the Mosshorn is neither ugly nor...beautiful. It's basically a fantasy creature that was made to closely resemble real animals without being a real animal.

I had trouble understanding why the Mosshorn is so popular, so I sought the opinions of Hytale fan artist and Mosshorn lover, DairyPanda.
Starting with the fan art showcase, his statements reminded me of Mark Manson: "I was inspired by the fluffy beast dynamic of the Mosshorn, and how it could have a side to it where it's lost in its own ways. I felt like it'd be fun to explore vulnerability within the creature."
Next, I messaged him privately on Discord and, with his permission to share, said the Mosshorn, who he thinks is the "cutest mob in Hytale", "seems to be more than just its wealthy exterior; its eyes have a soul of wonder!"

To be honest, the first thing I thought when I saw the Mosshorn is how to punch it to death, given how I'm Ax-Crazy and I'm strangely excited to know what it drops upon death.
Given that I've dodged a bus before and can play rough with our family horse dog, you probably know who will win.

Screw it. I give an OK (5/10).

My opinion might change as more lore about the Mosshorn is revealed. I'm a sucker for lore given the insane lengths of my Genshin Impact opinions and Yandere Simulator waifu ranking. BRING IT, Hypixel Studios!

Future Hytale Posts

For now, I feel like focusing on crossovers between Hytale and Genshin Impact to smoothly transition my mind.
The following ideas are floating in my head:
  • Genshin Impact Elemental Reaction Mod
  • Oceanid in Hytale (spoiler alert: it makes me RAGE)
I might make a smaller analysis of the progress updates I missed as well as the official Twitter postcards, but those are much lower-priority.

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