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I legit want to know your thoughts on drag queens like this one. Image from nnguyen21 on Pixabay |
*I have lots of trouble remembering all these terms for specific variants of non-straight people, so for simplicity, I'll just go with the most commonly used term, LGBT. I also don't wanna overcomplicate this post for my readers.
Trust me, this is brutally honest. I ain't pullin' any punches 'cause I'm a lunatic.
I don't know how many other people do this, but I play Genshin Impact on windowed mode and I play a YouTube video at the same time.
This way, I can focus on playing the game while occasionally glancing for the fun stuff in the video. Sometimes, I mindlessly left-click while protected by a shield and focusing my eyes on the video, especially when using Razor or Tartaglia who have fast attacks. Kamisato Ayato is even lazier because his Shunsuiken attacks can be performed by simply holding left-click.
Yeah, I know that's a weird way to start. I was feeling crazy.
Anyway, when I wrote this post on June 2, 2021, I watched PragerU's On Air with Amala on the same day. (That video got deleted somehow.) It kicked off with some commentary on Blue's Clues...featuring a drag queen in an LGBT pride parade. Not gonna lie, I was deeply offended by one of my favorite childhood shows getting ruined by...this thing.
Yes, I was a huge Blue's Clues fan when I was 5 to 8 years old. Mom and Dad collected loads of Blue's Clues VCDs for me at the time. I eagerly awaited every moment Steve would pull out his handy-dandy notebook, check the mailbox, go on some random adventure in a picture frame or book, and finally analyze all the clues on the famous thinking chair. Dang, I also wish I could "Blue Skidoo" into a video game...and hope I don't die.
Anyway, I got offended because, for me, do we REALLY need to teach that stuff to kids? Putting the whole suicide rate thing aside and focusing on more immediate and practical things (being the Brilliant but Lazy person I am), teaching LGBT stuff makes English grammar overcomplicated. In a worst-case scenario, you'd have to ask every person you're talking about what pronouns they'd like to be referred to or risk suffering the wrath of the woke mob, especially if some of them are gender-fluid, meaning they "change genders" on a whim. It's not like using the "wrong pronoun" is the end of the world--after all, it's not as bad as, say, threatening the President of the United States (which is not covered in the US First Amendment). I make lots of mistakes while speaking Japanese, after all, and every time I messed up in front of someone, they were always chill.
But this kind of teaching is actually not the main point of this post. I just wanted to ignite my flame. Usually, the more passionate I am, the better I am at doing tasks.
I want to talk about LGBT people in general.
In short, I dislike LGBT people's appearances and way of speaking for aesthetic reasons. This doesn't mean I dislike LGBT people as a whole; there are good LGBT people out there.
Let's break this down.
Just kidding, you thirsty lunatic!
Similar to the pronoun confusion but much less bad, my eyes get trolled by some LGBT people. I am a hopeless romantic, so I easily get attracted to girls. As such, an easy way to troll me is to have feminine (but not drag queen-level) facial features and clothing styles. (Note that I don't get trolled by most Bishōnen...although Venti trolled me the first time I saw him.)
Should I date LT or another woman?
In terms of actual romance, I only date straight women. In my head, most LGBT people are conflicted. Their LGBT nature drives them to seek out a specific gender (or both genders) but their biological gender demands the opposite sex.
For personal aesthetic reasons, I will never date any biological males. (I'm a Nay-Theist.)
As for non-straight women, I imagine they may eventually get bored of me or whatever and date other women instead.
As for their way of speaking (mainly gay people 'cause I don't know any lesbians and they're stealthier than gays), I don't like their tones of voice. They sound like they're trying too hard to sound cool.
What makes me a little more annoyed is the fact gay culture is a little too...normal here in the Philippines. Even straight people like my mom have adopted the modern Filipino language's unique gay lingo, such as "charot" (my rough translation: "just messing with you") and "chorva/chorvanes" (rough translation: "stuff").
As I've stated before when talking about why I'm learning Japanese, I have always been confused by text lingo due to being an English-focused Grammar Nazi at a young age--heck, Filipino is my second language (and I can be a Grammar Nazi for Filipino if I want). I'm slowly learning new terms based on context, but if I don't have Internet access or if I'm using free data that only works with Facebook, I'd be in trouble.
Meanwhile, here I am spouting my "lololols" and "rekts".
Are you willing to make friends with LGBT people?
Yes, but it's very unlikely I'll approach them first outside of formal situations.
I consider myself much more confident than the average teen or young adult. I admit I still have a little shyness, but I'm more willing to start conversations with random strangers. To take from BebopVox's Minecraft parody "Don't Mine At Night", I'm feeling kinda brave. No wonder I'm the general of my Hytale army.
But, again, for aesthetic reasons, I do not approach LGBT people. The less a person looks like a normal human, the less likely I am to treat them as a human being, hence why I also don't approach obese people.
But, for me, my personal honor is far more important, so as much as I may not like it at first, maybe the good traits of an LGBT person will outweigh their LGBT-ness.
I don't have any LGBT friends, but I've seen one gay customer at my family store multiple times. I treat him like every other customer--I process their order and take their money, easy peasy.
Corina Boettger, the voice of Paimon, identifies as non-binary, but Paimon is such an iconic character and has such a good voice and good lines that I legitimately respect Corina.
What if you approach a stranger that you don't know is LGBT and they tell you later?
I would give an unenthusiastic "Oh. Okay." and quickly change the topic.
If they ask why I gave that reply, I'd honestly explain, "I'm sorry. I just like straight people a lot better."
Random Side Notes
Not gonna lie, I'd like to also be called "handsome" by straight men because of how rarely I get called this. I have sincerely called some men "handsome" before.
Edit: Some of my female young adult students have called me "handsome" or "かっこいい" (kakkoii). Thank you so much!
However, I'd consider "handsome" an insult if a gay man says it to me.
I'd be legitimately surprised if a lesbian calls me "handsome".
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