Friday, January 4, 2019

January 5 - April 1 - School Work, the Executioner

Image from @shameless, retrieved from GIPHY

January 5 will be my first day of school for 2019.
I took up only multimedia courses--no general education courses.

As usual, I can't make any blog posts until April 1, unless the term gets extended. I need to focus on school work.
I hope the professors minimize, if not avoid, big mistakes regarding schedules so that we can enjoy our summer vacations. (Summer vacation in the Philippines is from April to May.)

Oh yes, I forgot to mention:
UPOU used to have 10 weeks of study in a trimester (1/3 of a school year), but now it's 12 weeks.
I'm personally against it because I'm lazy and I think I learn fast, but maybe it's more convenient for both students and faculty and allows them to go more in-depth on a particular subject. I don't know.

For "friends" and family:
I have many commitments, but studying is, and should be, my biggest commitment.
If I don't make time for you because I need to study, please respect my privacy. I'm sure I will make time for you after March 31.
I will continue to do my usual store work and household chores, but I'd rather not have a large pile of work at once.

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