This is where Albedo's "six oceanids" quote comes into play. In this one, let's literally invade my base with 6 Oceanids.
But since I don't want to torture myself excessively, let's put allied units and proper defenses in this one.
(Funny thing is I haven't played GTA San Andreas in months.)
- 6 Oceanids will attack the base on all sides, including directly above the base but not underground.
- My base has the following defensive features: 20-foot cobblestone Trump wall, 30 Kweebecs with slingshots, 15 infantry Kweebecs with spears, 5 cavalry Kweebecs with rabbit mounts, and 5 Anemo-wielding Feran mages. (Let me know if you want a separate post for defense during an evil playthrough.) (We don't know if Hytale will have a redstone-like mechanic: something that Hypixel Studios has...uh, staunchly avoided mentioning.)
- While at least one Oceanid is alive, the weather is permanent rain that cannot be neutralized by any other weather-changing abilities.
- The Oceanids cannot sink any platforms.
- The Oceanids' insta-kill attack will be modified. They will instead insta-kill 10 units (or 1 player if all allied NPCs are defeated) if 10 minutes pass without defeating all the Hydro Mimics in a wave. (This only happens once per wave regardless of how many Oceanids remain.)
Why Do The Oceanids Want to Invade My Base?
This section contains spoilers of the end of Chapter I, Act III: A New Star Approaches.
Maybe they just hate humanity because we pollute the water or whatever. Or maybe they hate the guts of Rex Lapis and his worshippers from Liyue, given that the Overlord of the Vortex was sealed away by Rex Lapis and during Zhongli's Story Quest, we fight Hydro Mimics without an Oceanid. I am of Chinese descent and Liyue is based on China.
I swear, though, if these are Albedo's mooks, I'll punch Albedo in the gut.
Okay, fine. The real reason is I'm being Crazy-Prepared as usual...just in case vanilla Hytale has an Oceanid-like boss. But, again, assume this is part of a third-party mod.
Anti-Oceanid Tactics
Many of the Hydro Mimics' attacks, most notoriously the finch's and frog's ground-pound attacks, are horribly difficult to evade and require the player to time the evade button perfectly for a few frames of temporary invincibility.
I think it's unlikely that Hytale would have a similar mechanic because it allows players to cheese fights against foes with large AoE attacks, so I'll just reduce the finch's and frog's AoEs in my imagination and make them possible to No-Sell by performing a timed block with a shield, weapon, or even bare fists.
All ranged attackers should focus on the hawks first whenever possible because of their low HP and annoyance factor.
After the hawks, the mallards should be prioritized because they're dangerous to approach up close.
Clustering Melee Units
Clustering melee units should be avoided whenever possible to reduce total damage dealt by large AoE attacks such as the squirrel's tail whip. Ideally, units should attack each Hydro Mimic on different sides of their bodies, similar to a pincer attack.
It would be sweet if, in Hytale, I can lift and throw light infantry allies similar to the Disgaea series.
Speaking of avoiding clustering, I would divide NPC units evenly between each Oceanid. Don't try to imagine what would happen if we all ganged up on one Oceanid.
As for me, I will assist each group of allies depending on what I think is the hardest or most annoying group of Hydro Mimics. I'll focus on melee attacks, but if my ranged attackers have Stormtrooper aim, I'll take the ranged attacker role.
Trump Wall
Feel free to say, "It's over, Anakin! I have the high ground!"
Most Hydro Mimics are ground units. The finch and frog can jump high, but I think they can't do so high enough to reach my 20-block-high Donald Trump wall. The crane and frog shoot projectiles that seem to only go horizontally across the ground, not in an arc like arrows or Klee's bombs. This allows ranged attackers stationed on the Trump wall to safely deal continuous chip damage.
Additionally, crenels can help protect against the hawks' swooping attack while letting my allies' projectiles go through. They'll have to go over my wall to swoop down, leaving them vulnerable to follow-up attacks.
...Unless the Oceanids see this strategy coming (probably in wave 2) and spawn loads of melee attackers like boars onto the Trump wall battlements. As such, I'll have to make it easy to reach the battlements such as by putting a lot of ladders, increasing my player character's physical strength (if possible), and/or putting teleporters or whatever.
Before writing this paragraph, I imagined one weakness of the Oceanid was its lack of proper anti-structure and anti-vehicle skills, so I'll buff up the boars, making them capable of heavily damaging walls.
Thankfully, I plan to make the Trump wall thick with a strong, deep foundation.
I can also counter the boars with my own powerful melee attacks, considering I fill the role of my army's main DPS.
Escape Route
Most Hydro Mimics are bigger than humans, so my allies and I can squeeze through spaces that the mooks can't go through.
In Minecraft, I regularly make 1x1-size staircase mines, even at my own home. I can put such mines at every house I put in my city and link them all to a single underground room made of a tough material like obsidian.
The entrances to the underground room should be close together so that I can quickly and easily seal them with obsidian just in case the Hydro Mimics somehow go through.
If even obsidian cannot block the Hydro Mimics, then I'd better get a block from zone 5 that can easily conduct electricity or can even emit its own strong electricity to inflict a little Electro-Charged damage before continuing the fight with our own weapons.
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A sample Minecraft emergency shelter in case of a failed Oceanid defense. Don't worry--I killed Paimon before I put up that sign. Don't tell Corina Boettger. |
TL;DR summary: The Oceanids want to invade us because I have Chinese blood, Liyue is based on China, and the Overlord of the Vortex is an enemy of Liyue's Archon, Rex Lapis.
Avoiding clusters of melee units while surrounding the enemy lessens enemy AoE damage.
Ranged attackers on the Trump wall help do chip damage without getting hit. They are also effective against the hawks.
If all else fails, we'll retreat to an underground obsidian room.
Should I Do Another Post About a Genshin Impact Boss in Hytale?
After all, the Pure Hypostases (especially the Pure Geo Hypostasis) made me RAGE. I scored about 3000 points on the challenges except for the ones with the Pure Geo Hypostasis where I only got about 1000. (For the final challenge with all three Pure Hypostases, I got 3000.)
We could have a freakin' Pure Hypostasis Gang.
At least the Oceanids can be led by either the Overlord of the Vortex or Albedo.
Who could lead the Pure Hypostases? I think it's not Sucrose because it's unknown if she researches the other Hypostases; just the Anemo one.
Regisvine Gang? That's a total joke. Regisvines can't move from where they're rooted.
As long as we don't get a Reckless Pallad expy in Hytale, we're good.
Childe and Stormterror are also jokingly easy for me, not counting the Stormterror bugs.
It's the Andrius boss which makes me rage...a little.
Actually, screw it. I hope the Tsaritsa doesn't read this post.
Or should she? After all, my Hair-Trigger Temper is the reason I gave myself a Pyro Vision... It's super effective! The opposing TSARITSA melted!
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